Chapter 7: A Visit

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The sunrise came very slowly, six and a half months since the countries hid out at Antarctica's, and only two since the storm stopped. Antarctica slid down the staircase railing, and landed lightly on her feet. She dashed outside, and made a snowball.

She skipped over to outside a window, and shot the snowball at it. She heard a quiet scream, and thud. Someone opened the window, and it was Italy. He waved, and she waved back. He dashed through the house yelling "SNOW DAY!!!!!" and when he got outside she rolled a huge ball of snow at him.

When Germany opened the door, she heard him scream. The snow fell into the house, Italy along with it. She laughed, and Canada jumped out his window. He came up next to her, and handed her a hockey stick. He slid the puck over some ice and they shot it at people, tripping them.

They played one on one, until America and Italy came to play. Prussia, China, Romano, Spain, England and France also came, and Canada passed out hockey sticks. Germany played ref, and they split into teams. They slid and ran around, knocking each other down.

She landed on top of people a few times, until she accidentally slid into Russia. He was, of course, on the opposing team. Why was she not surprised? Oh, yeah. The HERO was on her team. He just smiled as she looked up at him, not scared at all.

"Hello!" He picked her up and flung her across the ice, flying into her teammates and half the other team. The dog pile rolled down the hill, and into a little ravine that was literally impossible to get out of. She sat up in the snow, and shook her head, laughing.

She looked around, and saw that Russia knocked her into Italy, Romano, England, America, France, China, and Canada, who were all in their respective orders laughing their butts off in a somewhat pile.

She shook her head again, and stood. She dusted off the powder, and stepped up to the wall, sizing it up and gazed around the perimeter. She sighed. Then panicked. The wall was too high to climb, all the way around. There was a cave which she knew led out right above, but it was a maze and it was impossible to guide this specific group through it.

She sighed, and walked to the cave entrance. The crystals weren't glowing, but by stepping on it she would give away the countries' location. She turned back, and Germany was staring at her from above.

Antarctica gave a worried look, which he understood, and left to get/find/make a ladder. She collapsed on the snow, and was soon shaken by France.

"Hey, you okay, mon ami?"

"Keep everyone out of the cave." She said.

"Okay." He stood and explained to not go inside, but America, being what China calls an "ass who can't take a simple order to breathe, aru", poked his head inside. England yanked him back and slapped him, and Romano held Italy back from running inside for cover.

Germany appeared over the cliff, and threw down a rope ladder. She told the crazy ones, America and Italy, to go first, then America, Romano, England, France. She was left with Canada and China, Germany pulled the ladder up saying it's about to break.

China screamed dramatically, Japan was face palming above him. Antarctica put a hand on his shoulder, and tried to calm him.

"Hey, uh, oh! I know!" China looked up. Antarctica's face was beaming. "Remember I used to sing to you?" China's eyes teared up a bit, but he nodded. She sat next to him, motioning for Canada to sit with them.

China wiped his eyes with super long sleeves and straightened himself to sit on the snow like a normal person. They sat in a huddle by the wall far from the cave entrance, and literally right below a scared Italy and America. England was sitting behind them, along with some others.

She looked up at Italy, who was crying, and she saw America frantically glance around for another way out.

She sighed, and looked back to China. "Which song?" She asked. Back when China was little-er, heh, she sang many different songs her people had made, before the continent split and it froze over. They weren't exactly human people, but still.

China thought, and remembered. "That one you sang when I got really sick that one time, aru." She remembered something America taught her.

"Soft kitty?" She looked up and, sure enough, America managed to do his really loud laugh before England got up and slapped him. She turned back to China, he smiled.

"Anything, aru."

"Alright," she took a breath, and in a sweet voice, sang.

"Soft kitty,

Warm kitty,

Little ball of fur~

Happy kitty,

Sleepy kitty,

Purr, purr, purr~"

Antarctica opened her eyes, and China was asleep on the ground. Canada hugged her.

"That was really pretty. You sing better than Penny." Antarctica tipped her head. She hugged him back, and Italy was beaming above her. She released the shivering Canadian, and saw America signaling thumbs up. England and France came to America's side, to hear, and Romano, Spain, and the rest that played stood at Italy's side.

She blushed, and put her jacket over China. He was ice cold, and needed tea. FAST. She saw the ice glowing inside the cave, and panicked.

She stood, Canada beside her, and faced the cave. The glowing light was dim, but enough for a 2p to squeeze through. Her 2p. And that's just what she did. Germany threw a new rope ladder down, and she shook China awake and shooed him and Canada up the ladder.

She turned, a shadow being cast through. She climbed, and once she reached the top, panting, she looked down to see her 2p, cape flowing, eyes shining, a sweet smirk/smile on her lips.

"Hey, found you!" She said.

"Gah! GERMANY!!!!"

"IM RIGHT HERE YOU DUMKOFF!!!" That echoed through the ravine, sending shards of ice a small avalanche of snow around her 2p. Not enough for a ramp, though. Just little piles scattered along the edges.

It also sent 2p Antarctica on her knees, clamping her hands over her ears.

So that's how you wanna play? Alright, let's go!

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