Chapter 12: Capture the Flag, Part 2

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After winning the first round, Antarctica reset the field and they played again. She raced out, and then a laughing American and Australian landed on the ice. They set America to their side, and Australia to Canada's team. They started, red flag flying through the air with the blue one.

People shouting and flags flying, France ended up jumping at Russia for the flag..... Again. Italy, in the process of running away, rammed into her and they slid and slammed into Romano. Antarctica laughed, Romano shoving them off. She helped Italy up and they skated after England who currently held the red flag.

England touched the wall before they caught him, making the score one to one. They restarted, and played for a few more hours. Antarctica's team won, seven to five. Russian advantage. Figures.

Antarctica ran around the snow while the rest went back inside, and found a glowing cave. "Oh crap not again...." She whispered. A high wind came and ice broke from under her feet, and she was flung under the surface of the ice, and into a glowing portal.

She banged her head on something hard, and realized she was under a thick sheet of ice on her own country. She felt around for a thinner sheet, and saw faintly outlines of the 2ps, namely her own and America, Canada, and England. Oliver had a cupcake in his hands. Antarctica rolled her eyes and broke through, and then realized Eclipse was beaten and tied up, being held back by Allen from the ropes behind her back. The bat whacked her in the side of her head, and she barely heard Oliver say:

"Really? You know I would have just had her eat this cupcake right? It would have knocked her out better than that!" An annoyed grunt from 2p Canada was followed by a splat noise, and half a cupcake landed next to her face before she blacked out.

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