Chapter 1: Frozen Orange Juice and Pancakes

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Antarctica stepped out of her frozen coffin, to find people. On her country. She smiled and skipped upstairs to the bathroom, and ran a brush through her short hair, pure white. She had a piece of electric blue hair from her widows peak longer than the rest, to her waist.

She parted it and pinned it in an x shape so it looked like pigtails. She clipped her cloak on, white on the outside and the same electric blue within.

She stepped outside, standing at a towering height of 5'1", and proud of it. She slid over to the people, and saw Australia, England, New Zealand, and a few other countries gathered around. Arguing about controlling HER rightful land.

She tapped Australia.

"Hey, mate! Glad to see you after eh, forever, right?"

"Hello, big brother. I am keeping my land. Period." She added. With a glance to the others, and her brother. They nodded, and England stepped forward.

"Very well, but may we set scientific bases here so we can study your land?"

"What for?"

"A better understanding of snow, and, eh, the effects of global warming on your country."

"It does feel warmer than before, sure." They looked at her at the first part.

"What? I almost ruled the world in the ice ages." She shrunk back under her cloak. She felt a hand on her shoulder and peeked out.

"Well, let me teach you how to be a country in this era." England stood over her, and she nodded. They went back home, except England took Antarctica back to his house.

They sat on the couch drinking tea, she was still terribly hungry, but the tea helped. She was listening to England tell her stories about the dark ages, and before that, then after, and everywhere in between, including the revolutionary war.

"So my little brother wanted freedom, from what I don't know, but he wasted a whole bunch of tea, and that pissed me off. I had to do something, you see,....." Britain went on, and the door burst open.

"That's not true! You raised the fucking taxes! Too high for me to pay, so WE had to teach YOU a lesson! Don't mess with the heroes, damn it!" A voice and crazy laugh rang throughout the house, and England face palmed.

"Speaking of the bloody git himself." England stood and she followed him to the front door, where America stood staring back at them. Canada behind him, she could barely see his curl sticking out behind America.

"Anyone want pancakes?" He held out boxes of pancake mix, and her stomach growled.

"Being asleep for a few thousand years makes you hungry. Yes please." Canada took the boxes and rushed to the kitchen, and started making a shitload of pancakes. He also made bacon and eggs, and spread the towers of pancakes out into four plates, along with the bacon and eggs.

More like ham, but hey. It's bacon. Some sorta breakfasty meats. They sat at England's table, and Antarctica, Canada, and America dug in. England ate like a "gentleman", however he was probably eating like a slob himself.

Antarctica managed to get maple syrup all over her face, and hands. Somehow, these new foods were messy. She washed her hands and face, and America flung a gallon bottle of orange juice on the table.

"Who's thirsty?" He was already pouring juice into plastic red cups, cups that have their names on them. HERO, Snowball, Maple, and Iggy were written on the cups in bold white letters.

She took hers, and it froze. She licked the top, and melted some to taste. The others downed theirs, she set the cup down and sighed, the tea had stayed warm, but the juice was cold-ish already so it froze.

The orange block of ice sat there melting slowly, and she went upstairs to shower.

When she got back, a clean tee shirt and sweats on, the juice was melted. Another knock on the door, and France strolled in, and hugged Canada.

"YOU BLOODY WANKER GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" England attacked him but France stepped aside and England missed. She sat down and drank her now melted orange juice, and watched them bicker.

"So you're Iggy's new little sister?"

"What?" Her head snapped to America who was sitting slurping probably his tenth cup. "Oh, yeah, I guess. He's teaching me to be a country in this time. A few thousand years ago I almost ruled the world. Till major global warming. The ice age ended, and I guess my climate killed everyone else and put me in hyper sleep."

"That's cool. You know, we could help you too, eh." Canada said, pouring more cups of orange juice. America snatched the gallon bottle and filled his cup. They drank and looked at her, almost the same time. She giggled and looked past them to see England and France at each other's throats, and sighed.

"Alright. I need to know how to fight, too."

"Done and done. Let's go!" America shot up and grabbed their hands and literally dragged them to his plane. They sat inside and flew to his house.

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