607 11 1

(Stacey in mm)

Kamani Pov

I was on my way home when my phone rang.

It was Stacey .

He is so fine.

We met at the mall.

A few months ago.

I answered the phone.


"Wassup baby"

he so childish.

"What you doing."

"Nothing. Aye, do u really like me?"

"Yea. Why?"

"So be my girl?"

"You asking or telling"

I chuckled.


"Ok, I'll be yo gurl."

I guess I have a boyfriend.

We talked all the way home.

I hung up as I walked through the door.

I saw ro sleep on the couch.

I walked up to him and shook him.

"Wake up ro come on."

I grabbed him and took him to my room.

No, I do not want to sleep with him.

I gave him some gym shorts.

I changed into my night clothes.

I got in the bed and he slept on the floor.

"Why can't I go home?"

"Cuz I don't want u to fall asleep behind the wheel,"

I said and went to sleep.

*Next Day*

I woke up and made breakfast.

RO was still sleeping.

I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it and it was Stacey .

I let him in.

"Wassup baby."

he pecked my lips.

He came in.

He sat on the couch and I walked back in the kitchen.

I finished and put the food out for us.

"Why is it four plates?"

then ro came downstairs with no shirt on and in some  gym shorts

I gave him Emerald.

"Good morning Mommy.

Look Daddy went to sleep with us.

" I giggled.

I looked at Stacey he sized up ro .

"Aye yeah I'll be back later."

he went back to the room and got dressed.

He came back and kissed Emerald and hugged me.

"Here ro I made breakfast."

I handed him a plate.

"Thanks, Ma. I'll see y'all later."

he walked out the door.

I locked it.

"Why the fuck was he here?"

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