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RO Pov

"Sir the flight already took off 7 hours ago."

My heartbroken.

I walked out the airport and sat in my car.

I even let a tear fall.

I pulled out my phone and called her.

It rang.


I heard Emerald voice.

"Heyy baby. Where are u?""With mommy and grandpa. Where are u, daddy?"

"I'm at home. Let me speak to your mom."

I heard kamani sigh.


"Kamani I'm sorry-"

"No Robert . U cheated."

her voice cracks.

"No, I didn't kamani . She sat on me and I told her to get off me. Please baby. I would never do that to u no matter how high I am."

"How do I know that?" I forgot about my cameras.I pulled up the video and audio. I saw it and sent it to her."

I sent it.

" I heard her sniffle. She let out a sigh of relief. "Baby I would never cheat on u."

"I'm sorry but I think I should stay in New York."

I let out another tear.


"As I said before kamani I don't think it is safe."

I was officially crying.

"Kamani please."

"I'm sorry Robert I can't."

she cried.

"So what about us?"

"I don't know Robert ."

"I still love u."

"I do too."

"Say it."

"I love u, Jamal."

"I love u kamani . And my children."



she hung up.

I was just sitting at the airport parking lot Crying silently.

I wanted my baby back.

I want to hold her.

Kiss her. Tell her I love her in person.

But I can't.

I drove home.

I walked into my empty house.

I walked to the guest room.

I didn't have it in me to go to our room.

I slept in there.

Kamani Pov

I hung up the phone. I cried and cried.

Shanty and Selena said they would come to visit next week.

I walked up to my old room and cried my self to sleep.

* 2 Months Later*

It's been two months since I seen Robert .

We talk on the phone every day.

I miss him so much.

I moved into my new apartment And I start my job after I have my baby boy.

Yep, that's right I'm having a baby boy.

I told Robert and he is happy But I haven't told him that I'm naming him after him.

I want to surprise him.

I was just sitting in my room watching tv.

Then my mom came into my room.

"Hey, baby girl."

"Hey, where is me?"

"Tim, her, and Jess and Gilliam and Davis went to a lil more baseball game."

Jess is my older sister. Gilliam is her husband. Davis and Lil moe are their kids. Tim  is my dad.


I shifted my position to get comfortable.

"Ughh I can't wait till I have him."

"Calm down u only have 3 months to go."

she sat on the bed.

"Still ma I can't deal with this."

"It's ok baby. It will be all over in no time. Well, I have to go."


"Well, u know I have to make dinner at my house. Tim has all these ppl coming so u know how that goes."

I laughed.

Then the baby kicked.

"U got to calm down baby."

"Ik ma but its been happening a lot lately."

"Maybe the baby knows something." and with that, she left.

Maybe he did know something.

I shook off the feeling and got up and my hygiene.

I put on some boy shorts and one of Robert big shirts he sent when Selena and shanty came And then I put on some house shoes.

I walked downstairs. I made some popcorn and some bbq chips.

Some doubts and hot sauce And a big bottle of ginger ale.

I walked upstairs. I sat the stuff down and got in bed. I went to my recordings and went to my favorite movie.

Brotherly love (real movie)I turn it on.

Then the doorbell rang.

Ughh someone is always want something when I'm about to watch my movie.

I got up and wobbled to the door. I looked through the peephole.

The stupid person had their finger in the way.I unlocked the door.

I opened it and my eyes started to water.

"Robert " I let the tears go.

"Hey, kamani . Can I come in?"

I let him in. He walked in and looked around.

"This is a nice place."

"Thanks, Robert . What are u doing here?"

I sat down on the couch.

He sat down across from me.

"I had to see u."

"Robert -"

"No kamani let me finish."

I sat back on the couch.

"Kamani when u left I was broke mentally. I needed u. Then I realized what I had to do."

"What do u mean Robert ?"

"I gave up the game for u kamani ."

His babymama Where stories live. Discover now