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*5 years later*

Mani Pov

It has been 5 years since Robert been in jail. We talk on the phone every night tho. I am now 29 and Robert is 30. He looks really good to.Remember how I found out I was pregnant when Robert went to jail. Well, 9 months later I had Twins.

Jason Shay wright and Lexis Jada wright . They are both five. Junior is six Emerald is 11 and Malik is 13.He knows about the twins too. I just can't wait till he gets out. It should be any day now.I was in the kitchen cooking when the kids cam down.

"Mom Jason hit me." junior said.

"No, it was lexis!" Jason whined

"Uh-uh. It was u." Lexis said

"Yall chill out and sit down somewhere. Junior go get Em and Malik and y'all come to eat." he ran off.

I sat the twins in there chair and sat their food down. I made chicken nuggets and corn and fries for them and Junior. I made burgers for me, Em, and Malik.They came downstairs and sat down in their seats I sat at the head chair.

"Who saying grace?"

I looked among all my kids.

"Me!" Jason said. I nodded.

We all bowed our heads.

"Bless us Oh God, As we sit together, Bless the food we eat today, Bless the hands that made the food, Bless us Oh God we pray.""Amen." we all say.

We all started eating and chatting. Then my phone rang. It was Robert accepted the call.


"Baby guesses what?" he said excitedly.


"Im getting out today," I screamed.

The kids looked at me.

"Ma what's wrong?" Malik asked.

Oh, I forgot to tell u. He calls me mom now.

"Daddy's coming home." I cried.

They all have happy looks.

"Mani u can come in like 2 hours."

"Can I come early?"

"U really miss me?"

"Of course I miss my fiancé."

"U can come now but I thought u guys were doing something."

"Well, we almost finish eating so we can come now."

"Ok. I'll see u later Mrs. wright ."

"U too Mr.wright ."

I hung up the phone and the kids were gone.I walked into the living room and they weren't there. Then they all came downstairs with there clothes on.

"Ready." they all said.

I smiled and ran and got dressed. Then we all walked to my range rover and got in.I pulled out the driveway and drove to the prison. I call everyone and they said they would meet us there.When I got there everyone was there.

We got out the car and spoke to everyone.We waited. Junior, Jason , and lexis kept playing. I saw and park crosses the street so Selena took them. I just stood and watched the door.

"U nervous?" Shanty asked me. I nodded.

"Girl for what?"

"I don't know me--"

I cut my self off. I saw the gate open. A buff light skin dude came out.He started walking with his head down. Then he stopped and lifted his head. I ran to him.

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