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Next Day*

RO Pov

I woke up to the sun shining in my face.

I got up and did my hygiene.

It was Sunday so I decided today could be a rest day.

Em still with my sister.

She has kids her age.

I put on some more pjs

I put on some more pjs

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cleaned up the room.

I walked downstairs and made breakfast.

I made pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

I don't like to make lots of stuff.

I made plates.

Before I cut up my pancake I heard a thump upstairs.

I walked upstairs to see kamani on the floor.

"What happen?"

I chuckled.

"I fell and it's not funny. Help me,"

she whined.

I smiled.

I walked over to her and picked her up.

I walked in the bathroom and sat her on the counter.

"Easy RO . I'm sore down there,"

she mumbled the last part.

"Sorry baby."

I cupped her face.

"U know how long I wanted to put it down on u. I went wild. I sorry."

"Well, u really hurt me."

I kissed her.

Then went running her some bath water.

I put her in it when it was ready.

"Here this should help."

"Now I'm gonna walk with a limp."

I chuckled.

She gave me a death glare.

I ran out of the bathroom.

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