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*2 Month*

Kamani Pov

it's been two months.

I and Robert finally graduate.

Yep me and my baby graduate in the top five percent.

I'm so happy for him.

But I have been feeling weird lately.

I've missed my period twice.

Right now I going to the doctor with shanty and Selena.

Robert said he wanted to spend time with all the kids.

We walked in the doctor's office.

I was so nervous.

What if I'm pregnant?

What if he doesn't want another child?

"Calm down." Shanty said


"She shaking and u tap yo foot real fast when u get nervous."

"Gurll we haven't even been in here for a good 10 min and u scared?"

"Yes. What if he doesn't want another one?"

"Gurll u gonna be fine."

"Kamani carpenter " a light skin gurll nurse called me.

We got up and followed the lady to the back.

We got there and I sat on the bed.

"The doctor will be in here momentarily.Can u please got urinate in this cup ma'am?"

I grabbed the cup and walked to the bathroom and peed.

I gave the cup back and went back to the room and sat on the bed.

After a while, the doctor came into the room.

She looks like she was in her early forties.

"Hello, my name is Ms.Topper. I will be your doctor. We ran some test on your urine."

"Go ahead say it." I closed my eyes."

Congrats Ms.carpenter u are two months pregnant."

my eyes almost popped out my head.


she nodded.

I started to tear up.

Selena and shanty came and hugged me.

"It's ok,"

they told me.

"Would u like to see the baby?"

I nodded.

She told me to lay back.

I pulled up my shirt and she put the gell on my stomach.

I shivered at the touch.

She turned off the lights and turned on the screen.

She moved this thing around my stomach.

"There he or she is."

I saw, my baby.

I cried.

"Why u crying liyah?"

Shanty asked.

"My baby."

I was so happy.

Then it donned on me.

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