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Robert Pov

I woke up this morning to mani on my chest. I softly placed her in the bed and got up. I walked in the bathroom and did my hygiene.I put on some gym shorts and a tank top and some socks. I walked downstairs to see Em and Junior watching tv.

"Wat yall doing up?"

"Were already wake so we came to watch tv duh daddy," Em said and junior laughed.

"Fine imm get started on breakfast."

I walked into the kitchen.

I made pancakes and eggs.

I walked in the living too and gave them their food. I noticed mani didn't come down yet.I walked upstairs to see her sitting in the bed. I walked up to her.

"Why u still in bed."She mugged me.

"It happened again." I chuckled.

I walked un the bathroom and ran her some water.I went back and picked her up and sat her in the tub. I walked back down to see the kids finished. I cleaned up and they played with their toys.I went back to lay and got her out and put her in some clothes.

I took her downstairs and sat her on the couch.

"Heyy mommy." Em jumped on the couch. She hugged mani .

I went into the kitchen and fixed her food. I brought it into the living room and gave it to her.She ate and we all chilled.

"Baby lets do something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know as let's go out."

" where tho?"

"How about out to have fun then to eat."

I nodded.

She managed to get up and took Em to change.I took junior to put him on some new clothes. Then I went and put on my clothes.I walked downstairs and seen mani . She had on a black t-shirt, white leggings, and black Tim's.We walked out of the house and got in my range rover. I pulled out the driveway.

"So where to fam?"

"Ooo sky zone daddy," Em said.

I nodded and got on the high way.

I looked at mani and she was looking at her self in the mirror.

"It feels like im missing something."

She started to look for something in my glove compartment.

Mani Pov

I looked in the glove compartment. I saw a black box. I pulled it out and seen the engagement ring Robert gave me.I looked at him. He was focused on the road. I slipped the ring on. Its still fit perfectly.I put the box back and sat in my seat smiling.

"What u smiling for?" he looked at me.

I shook my head.

"Find what is u looking for?" I nodded.

I really do love Robert .

Like I want to have more kids with him and get married. I really don't even care about the drug thing anymore.Our love can overpower it. He pulled up to the skyline and we all got out. We walked in hand and hand.We went and paid to go in and we got a seat. Em, and I took off to the trampoline. It was so much fun. We hopped and hoped.


We were on our way home from pizza hut. We had so much fun at Skyzone.As we pulled up to the house it was a gurll and a lil boy in the yard.

One look my age and the other looked 8.We parked and I got out the car with Junior in my hand.

"May I help u?"

"No, but im here for him." she pointed at Robert .

"China wyd here?!?"

"I want u to see your son."

I looked at the lil boy and he looked just like Robert . I looked at him and he stared at the boy.

"How u know that he is my kid?

He looks 9 or 10 years old."

"He eight and we can go get a DNA test right now." she put her hands on her hips.

Robert let out a frustrating sigh.

"It wants u want man?"

"I want some money to take care of him."

she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Um, do we have a problem?"

"No but if u look at me again we will." she rolled her neck.

I chuckled at this hoe.

"It yall chill out let's go in the house."

we all walked in the house.

I went and let the kids play.

"Im not giving u no money."

"Why not I have to pay for the lil nigga to eat." she crossed her arms.

How can u treat your child like that?

The lil boy sat there with his head down.

"Then his teacher talking about how he really smart and he should go to another school to challenge him. Im not paying for that." I shook my head.

"What u shaking yo head for least my kid smart."

"Listen here hoe I already don't like u cuz all u want is the money but for u to come at me is stupid. U got a child I should be least of your worries."

"And who are u anyway?" she scrunched her face.

"Im the mother of his children and soon to be wife."

I heald out my hand and showed her the ring. She got uncomfortable.

RO Pov

I saw the ring on her finger. I smiled. She really wants to get married. I pulled her close to me.

"Yall chill. Aye man im not giving u no money but I will take care of my son. What's his name?" I looked at him.

She pushed him and he fell off the couch.I tensed up. He got up and sat back on the couch.

"My name Malik Wright," he said with his head down.

I felt sorry for him.

I knew what I had to do.

"China, if I give u enough money, will u let me keep him?" Her eyes almost popped out her head.

She nodded really fast.I walked to my office and got a string bookbag. Filled it up. I walked back into the room. I haded her the bag

."Come back tomorrow I need u to sign him over to me." she nodded and jetted out the house.

I shook my head.

I looked at Malik.

"Heyy lil man."

He looked up at me.


"Don't be shy."

I sighed.

"Im yo dad."

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