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*3 months later*

Mani pov

I have been sitting in this one room for six months. I hate it. I just want to be with Robert , my husband. I smiled at the thought I am married.Then it faded away when Sakai walked in.

"Heyy baby. So u gonna let me be yo man now?"

"Im married. I would never cheat on my husband." I spit at him.

He chuckled

."Why u with that fool anyway? I thought u don't like drug dealers?"

"I don't care about the drug game as long as he is careful and faithful im good."

"Maybe I should just kill him and me, u, and the kids can live a life together."

"What?! I don't love u, Sakai . I hate u."

"BUT I LOVE U!" he looked at me.

"I have been in love with u. I want u mani ."

"But I don't want u, Sakai . I want my husband and my kids." I cried to him.

He sat beside me on the floor.

"But what about me. I want u."

I move away from him."Sakai im I'm in love with Robert ."

"But he ain't here. U can love me." he kissed on my neck.

He kissed my spot. A pic of Robert came in my mind and I pushed Sakai off me.

"Sakai I can't do this please." I sat on the other side of the room.

"Mani I can give u the world. Just be my gurll."

"No. I have the world with Robert ."

"Then why he not here?"

he got up and left the room.I sat there thinking why isn't Robert here? I sat on the floor crying. Why isn't he here?

Robert Pov

I was on my computer trying to search for mani phone. She always on her. I saw it was somewhere but I didn't know the name of the location.I zoomed in and seen the location. I sat back in my seat.She on her phone in New Jersey. I linked it to my phone and me and my crew flew to New Jersey on my private Jet.

We pulled up to where the phone was. It was at a nearby dumpster. I walked up to it and picked it up.It had a text message. I put it in my pocket and walked back to my car. We drive to a nearby hotel and rented a room.I was in my room when mani phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered it.


"Robert , what u doing in Jersey?" Sakai said.

"Listen, nigga, I want my wife back. What u want money? I can give u that just give me my wife."

"Ha, I'll meet u back at yo trap. I want 9.1 million."

"Hell Nawl man that's too much!"

"Give me the money or mani gonna be having my babies." he hung up the phone.

I threw the phone at the wall and it broke. I rounded up the guys and went back to New York.I walked into my house and seen the kids in the living room.

"What yall doing up?"

"We miss mom," Malik said.

The rest nodded.

I sat down and they came and snuggled up with me.

"I kno yall do i miss her too."

We fell asleep in the living room.


I was at my trap waiting on Sakai to walk thru the door. I was smoking a blunt.Then there was a knock at my door.

"It's open." My guard Black came in.

"He here." he let Sakai come thru the door. He came in with 2 big dudes.

"So where my money? I have a date tonight."

"Where mani ?" he snapped his finger and two dudes brought her in.She saw me.

"Robert ." she tried to run but they wouldn't let her go.

"Robert my money."I got up and went to my closet. I pulled out four duffle bags. I threw them on the floor.

"Here. Now give me my gurll."

he threw his hands and they let her go.

She ran to me and jumped me.I held her in my arms. She cried on my shoulder.

"Thanks for doing business." he started to walk out.

"Wait." he turned around.

I quickly pulled out my gun and shot his bodyguards. Then aimed at him.

"WTF!" he looked at me. Mani took the gun and pointed it at him.

"Mani u know im in love with u. Why would u kill the love of your life?"

"Cuz your not the love of my life." he held my hand.

"Im in love with Robert . The father of my kids my husband."

"Why not?"

"U raped me! Then u kidnapped me Twice! I hate u!"

Mani Pov

By now I was crying. Robert tried to take the gun out of my hand but I pulled away from him.

"No." he moves back.

I cocked the gun.

"Mani I love u," Sakai said.

"Sakai I hate u." I shot him in the forehead.

I kept shooting him.Even when there were no more bullets I was still pulling the trigger. Robert came and took it out my hand.

"It's over baby." Then Black burst thru the door.

"Boss I found thus gurll lurking in the back."

he pulled Mya in. The gurll Robert used to date.He sighed.

"Wyd here man?"

She looked at the floor and seen Sakai she burst into tears.

"How could u!?"


"Yall killed my brother!"

she screamed.

Robert sighed and pulled out another gun and shot her in the head.

"Gurll do too much."

"Now its over." I sighed.

Robert nodded.

He picked me up bridal style and walked to his car.We pulled up to the house. We got out and went in. The kids saw me and ran to me. "MOMMY!" they all screamed.I hugged them tightly. I missed my kids. I love them so much.

Robert pulled me to him.

"U ready to start our life as husband and Wife?"

"Ready if u are." he smiled and kissed me.

That's what happens when u get pregnant by a drug dealer

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