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RO Pov

She the one...Dang man.

I never thought that me.

RO Wright. Would be in love.

Shit, it feels amazing.

We walked back to the car.

I opened the door for her.

She got in and I got in and went home.

I pulled up to the house.

I walked over to her side and got her out.

I wrapped my arms around her and walked in the house.

"U had fun?"

I asked as we got upstairs in our room.

"Yes. I really did Jamal."

"I realized something."

"Me too."


"I don't think its the right time to tell u."

"Why? U ain't pregnant are u?"

"No nigga. Something else."

she playfully hit my arm.

I laughed.


"I don't think its the right time."


I picked her up and slammed her on the bed playfully.

"RO stop!"

I tickled her.

She started to laugh out loud.

I heard emerald come in.

"Daddy what u doing?"

she laughed.

"Tickling mommy come help."

"No help mommy"

she laughed.

Emerald came and helped tick her.

"No Em."

she was crying so hard she had tears in her eyes.

"Please stop please."

she laughed.

"Ok Em she had enough."

we got off her.

She tried to catch her breath.

"U guys are so mean."

she walked in the bathroom.

"Hey, u wanna do something fun?"

I asked Em.

She nodded.

"Ok, u want to make a cake?"

"Ooo can it be chocolate?"

I laughed and nodded.


"What u yelling for?"

Mani came out of the bathroom.

She had on some boy shorts, a tank top, and her hair in a messy bun.

"We gonna go make a cake."

her eyes lit up.

"Really I love making cakes. Let's go."

she and Emerald Ran downstairs.

I went to change into my gym shorts and walked down the stairs.

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