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*month later*

Mani Pov

its been a month since we found out bout Malik and me and Robert are getting married.

We also found out that Malik is really smart too. He helps Em with her homework and im happy she has someone round her age to play with at home.We were all in the living room tickling each other. I looked and seen Malik just sitting watching us on the bottom steps.

I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"What's wrong Malik?"

"I just feel like an outcast." he looked down.

I hugged him.

"U shouldn't u are part of this family. I might not be your bio mom but I will treat u like my son."

he smiled and I pulled him in the living room.

I picked him up and we all dogged pilled on Robert .

He laughed.

"How Y'all just gonna jump me." he laughed.

We tickled him.

He grabbed Malik and tickled him. We all helped. Malik had tears in his eyes.

"Please...please." he laughed.

I fell to the ground dying in laughter. Then we all chilled out and sat down.

"Heyy Malik when is your birthday?"

"In 3 weeks."

"U ever have a birthday party?" he shook his head.

"Well, u will in 3 weeks." I smiled.

He smiled.

Jamal Pov

the gulls and Junior went and cooked lunch. I sat in the living room with Malik. I wanted some bonding time with him .I turned on the game and we played.

"So u got a girl at school?"

"I like this one girl but everybody doesn't like her. She quite and all that."

"U should talk to her. The quiet ones are always the best. That's how I met kamani at a freshman party. She was quiet. She barely talk to me."

we chuckled. 

"I just want to do my work first then maybe talk to girls."

"I feel u."

"Heyy dad can I ask u something?"

"Yea." I paused the game.

"My mom told me that u didn't want me when I asked about u. Is that true?"

"No. I didn't even know you we're here. I would never disown my child." he smirked.

"Good cuz I kinda wanted to come to stay with u anyway."

"I know how u feel. I wanted to stay with my dad after my mom died but I never knew who he was."

"It's a good thing I know who u are."

"Yea me too." I patted him on the back.

"Lunch ready."

Mani came in the living room. We got up and walked in the kitchen.She made hamburgers and fries. We got our food and ate on the patio.We were all at the lunch table eating and talking.

Then Malik started to make a beat with his hands.

"Wow were u learn that from that was good." he smiled.

"Im good at making my own beats and stuff."

"U got really good talent. I should take u to my studio sometime." his eyes lit up.

I looked at mani and she smiled at me.

I grabbed her hand and kissed her.

"I love u."

"I love u too."

she kissed me.

We all finished eating.We went to the house and chilled.

*5 Months Later*

Mani Pov

it's been five months I and Robert got in engaged again. It's been the best. And I and him are finally getting married in 4 months. I can't wait.We all were sitting in an ice cream parlor. We were minding our business when four cops came in.They walked over to us.

"Robert Wright." he nodded.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Sakai William." he looked confused.

They handcuffed him.

They walked him to the car. I ran out to them.

"Wait u can't take him."

one of the officers pulled me back.

"Mani get the kids and go home. I'll call u."

I nodded and ran to get the kids.

We walked back to the car seen the police car pull off. I got in the car and drove home. I had so many tears in my eyes.How could he do this? We are about to get married how could he do this.

RO Pov

I walked in and they did their thing and put me in a cell. I put my head in my hands.

"SHIT!!" I yelled out.

I can't believe this shit happened.Who snitched tho? I need my phone call. I got up and walked up to the bars.

"Heyy I need my phone call."

The cop sighed and got up. He opened my cell and walked me to the payphones I  called mani .

She picks up the phone.

"Robert ." she cried thru the phone

"Mani im so sorry."

"We are supposed to be getting married."

she cried.

"Baby im so sorry. We gonna get married just not now baby."

I heard her sniffles.

"Baby put quay on threeway."

"Ok." she sniffed.

I hated making her cry.

I just wanted to hold her.

"Hello." I heard quay say.

"Aye quay I need yo help man."


"Mani hang up. I'll call u tomorrow."

"Don't forget," she said.

"I won't. I love u."

"I love u too Robert ." she hung up the phone.

"Nigga I need to get out of here."

"Ik man I got u bruh. We already got a lawyer for u too. Best in New York."

"Good hurry up. U in charge to man don't let them niggas get my shit."

"U know I got u bruh."


"One" I hung up the phone.

I walked back to my cell.I sat on the bed and just sat there. I can't do this man. I need to see my family.

Mani Pov

I hung up the phone and sat in my bed crying. Malik came in the room and sat on the bed next to me.He hugged me.

"It's ok." I cried on his shoulder.

He is so mature for his age.

Em walked in the room with Junior. They got in the bed with me and we all snuggled up in the bed and drifted off to sleep

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