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RO Pov

"I left the game for u mani ." she looked at me with tears.

I love her so much.

It took me a while to do it.

I went and bought a studio up here. I make money in my sleep.

I even bought a club too.


I nodded.

I wiped her tears.

"I love u."

she looked at me for a while.

"I love u too."

I leaned and kissed her.

I missed her so much.I developed the kiss. I picked her up and walked to the stairs. Then the damn doorbell rang.

She pulled away. I sucked on her neck.

"Babe... The door.."

"They can wait." it rang again.

"Babe get the door." I sighed.

I put her down and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and it was Em and some more ppl.

I opened the door.

"DADDY." Em jumped on me.

"Hey baby gurll."

we all walked in the living room.

I sat down on the couch.

"Daddy how u get here?"

"I flew on a plane."

"I did too." she laughed.

I looked up to see these ppl looking at me. 

"Heyy in Robert . Emerald's Dad."

"Hi, my name is jess. I'm mani older sister. This is my husband William and My kids David and lil Moe."

"It's nice to meet Y'all."

"Wait so u the one from Cali right?"


"Wyd up here?"

"I came to get back with my family." then mani came downstairs.

"Heyy Y'all." she sat next to me on the couch.

"Hey, Auntie mani guess what." lil moe said happily.

"What?" she smiled

"I caught the ball and got the other dude out." he smiled.

"That's good Lil more. Keep up the good work." she smiled.

"Hey, Jess where is a dad?"

"Oh, we dropped him off at home with mom. He has his lip DMV thing tonight and he hosting."

"Ik mom told me before she left."

The kids ran to Em room to play.

We all just sat in the room and chilled.

Then they left and it was just me and the fam.

Kamani Pov

I was in my room bout to watch my movie when Robert came in and laid down too.

"I just put Em to bed." he took off his clothes except for his boxers.

He got in the bed and laid down.

Then he had the nerve to touch my popcorn.

"Wtf u doing?!?"

"What?" he ate some.

His babymama Where stories live. Discover now