The Fight

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chapter four: the fight

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chapter four: the fight

About a week later, Takemichi invites you back to the building you had been at when you previously mentioned. Your brother had absolutely no qualms about driving you there and seemed quite impressed when you brought up the subject without him even needing to ask. So later that night he drives and parks in the same spot he did last time.

"Just be yourself," he reminds you as you remove your seatbelt. "Don't add or change any of your lies or you'll just end up digging yourself into a deeper hole."

You nod and take a breath. That means you'll just have to stay far away from Draken and his fifty questions. "I'm ready," you assure him as you place your hand on the door.

"Okay. Good luck," he grins a bit too sarcastically for your liking.

"Thanks," you reply nonetheless as you step out of the car and walk towards the entrance.

You're about to open the front door, but just as you do, Takemichi opens it from the inside. He hugs you instantly and practically pulls you right inside. There, you see loads of other guys from the other night and Takemichi begins to introduce you to each of them. (Not that you're really going to remember half of their names).

At the end of greeting a buttload of strangers, Mikey enters your line of vision and approaches you and Takemichi. "Ichiro," he calls as he slowly slides his way to you in his sandals, "I'd like to finally see just how strong of a fighter you are."

You tense up. You haven't been here for twenty minutes and you're already being called out in your lies. Good thing you went to the gym a few times this week... Not that it'll make much of an improvement if you're meant to fight against him.

"Ah, actually I don't think that's such a good idea," Takemichi chimes in. "Ichiro is new and he probably shouldn't fight the strongest of us. We don't wanna scare him off! But he can fight me... if that's okay with you."

You whip your head to the side as you look over at him. You don't know how strong he is but he is your division captain so he must be somewhat strong. But all Takemichi does when he sees your worried look is smile.

"Don't worry, you don't need to take it easy on me. I'm used to getting beat up so just do your best!"

You nod and look around the room, suddenly beginning to feel a bit light-headed.

"Ichiro, come on, you can start!" Takemichi calls, now standing a few steps away from you.

You suddenly think about your parents and how they cast you out, thinking you're too weak to do anything but make grandkids for them. Perhaps taking a beating will be all you need to quit this and run back to them crying a string of apologies.

Your eyebrows furrow together at that thought. There's no way in hell you'll go crawling back to those devils now. Instead, you rush towards Takemichi and punch him square in the face. He hardly fights back, almost allowing you to keep pummeling him to oblivion. And it's not long after till he bends down on his knees and puts up his hand to stop you.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. Good job, Ichiro!"

As you stand back up straight, you notice the group around you looking a bit impressed. Mikey, however, laughs at the scene he just witnessed.

"Well as long as Ichiro can beat up Takemitchy, he's at least a bit useful," he grins, nudging Draken in the side as he glares down at you.

Chifuyu then puts his arm around you. "Good job," he whispers in a voice too low for the others to hear. "Now let's get Takemichi up before he passes out."

After bending down to pick up your friend, you stand up only to catch Draken's gaze once more. However, you do your best to ignore it as you walk off with Takemichi's arm rested across your shoulders.

The three of you walk outside to the back area of the building where Chifuyu breaks open a cold back and hands it to Takemichi.

"That was pretty cool what you did back there, Ichiro," Chifuyu says as Takemichi takes the ice pack. "Mikey looked impressed, too!"

"Seriously?" you ask as a small grin begins to creep up the corner of your lips.

"Yeah! You're really in with us now!" he beams, causing your smile to grow that much bigger.

"I mean I thought you would have gone a bit easier on my face," Takemichi adds, "but yeah, still cool, Ichiro!"

"Sorry about that," you laugh awkwardly.

"Don't apologize for that," Mikey's voice calls from somewhere behind you.

The three of you turn your heads to see Mikey standing over by the doorway.

"Although beating Takemitchy isn't a huge accomplishment, you did well tonight."

"Thanks," you reply respectfully, knowing better than to start a fight with him out of all people. Takemichi did say he was the strongest after all.

Just then, at Mikey's side, a man recently introduced to you not even an hour ago as Mitsuya appears.

"I hope you don't mind but since I didn't get your size, I asked Mitsuya to make you a rather average-sized uniform."

Your eyes widen as Mitsuya holds out a black uniform to you from behind his back.

"Woah! You've got to try it on, Ichiro!" Chifuyu gasps, way more excited than you are.

"What? Right now?" you stiffen up, knowing that if you change it'll cause a lot more problems than Chifuyu realizes.

"Yeah, of course!" he innocently insists.

You look around at the eager group and take a breath. Leaving your shirt on, you throw the jacket uniform over your clothes. It genuinely fits well which surprises you a bit at first. You didn't think Toman would have such a talented sewist!

Takemichi sits up to get a better look at you in the uniform. "Wow, it fits you perfectly," he states, taking the words right out of your mouth. The others then nod in agreement.

Mikey meets eyes with you and smiles brighter than you've ever seen. "Welcome to the first division of Toman, Ichiro!"

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