1. The Proposal

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Note: in case you didn't read the previous part, I would just like to apologise for how long this took to be published but I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless. Thank you for being here💜💫


Sparkling lights dangled from the walls and ceiling, a light classical music played in the background, obnoxious camera flashes were directed to the centre of the room and Taehyung was down on one knee in front of Jungkook.

The university student had his hands on his mouth, eyes wide in what one would describe as astonishment. The ring that Taehyung held in a velvet box glittered under the surrounding lights that fell on it in the dimmed room.

The guests held their breaths. Was the sole heir of Jeon industries going to agree to the newly appointed CEO of Kim corporations' proposal?

He was bound to, they all knew. After all, the couple had been dating for a year now, weren't they?

So, it was hardly a surprise when he gasped out a "yes!!!" and affectionately threw himself at Taehyung who was still on his knee. The elder held him in place and slipped the ring on his finger before they both shared a tight embrace, beautifully captured by the tons of media outlets present at the function.

As rehearsed. As planned.

The Jeons and the Kims congratulated each other, receiving many well wishes from the guests as well. When they were approached by the media, both parties gave tearful responses.

"None of us had expected Taehyung to propose today. His words were so beautiful and he had such a perfect timing. I can guarantee he would be the perfect husband for our son," Mrs Jeon said, wiping away a tear.

"An engagement between the sons of two of the top companies of our country. Surely, this alliance will prop the enterprises further up the ladder, won't it?" asked a reporter.

"Oh! Now that you mention it, that is true. That thought is only crossing me now. We only have our children's best interests at heart and their happiness is our priority. It is a blessing that their love is bringing about so many fortunate events in all of our lives," answered Mr Kim.

Meanwhile, the 2 young men were still receiving congratulations from the businessmen and conglomerates present at the party. Jungkook was starting to feel his cheeks aching from the polite smiles that he needed to keep plastered on his face.

When the people had diffused around them, he lightly pulled on Taehyung's sleeve to call for his attention. The elder immediately turned to him with his brows slightly raised. "What is it?"

"Hyung, is this nearly over? I'm getting tired of it," Jungkook pouted.

Taehyung smiled. "I know, me too, trust me. But we'll have to wait for the guests to leave. We can't just throw them out."

"Wish we could," Jungkook mumbled under his breath. Taehyung chuckled at the comment.

After a while, the young CEO was starting to be fed up of the repetitive small talks with the executives and tycoons coming up to him. He might be a CEO, but he was still a mere 26 year old. These boring conversations and encounters were not for him. And he knew Jungkook was probably even less fond of it, as he had made clear.

"Kook, do you have uni tomorrow?" He inquired.

It took a few seconds for Jungkook to snap out of his daze. "Huh? Uh y-yeah," he said and suppressed a yawn. The boy was practically sleeping awake and upright, and the elder felt sorry for him.

They couldn't throw the guests out, but he should at least try doing something so that they wouldn't be here till past 3 in the morning.

He led Jungkook to where their parents were standing. Well, not that the younger even realised where he was being taken to. He just followed Taehyung everywhere he went while being too exhausted to care. How was he supposed to focus in class tomorrow?

"Dad, can we be excused now? Or at least Jungkook? He's got classes tomorrow and he's tired already," Taehyung told.

His father was unsure, about to protest almost, since he believed in being the last to leave the party as the host. But before he could even open his mouth, Mrs Kim intervened. "Oh yes, poor thing! Look how exhausted he is! Go rest, honey, there's only boring people left here anyway," she said while gently patting Jungkook's cheeks.

She was particularly fond of Jungkook and never failed to treat him like her own son, probably more than Mrs Jeon herself ever did. "Get him a room upstairs, Tae. He can stay until morning. It'll be wasteful to wake him up after the party anyway," she said and Taehyung brought him upstairs.

"Wait here, I'll get you some pyjamas. Don't fall asleep," he said when they reached the room. Jungkook nodded as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

The ravenette was back with the clothes he promised in no time. "These are a little oversized on me. I'm not sure they'll fit you. Try them on," he handed out the clothes to Jungkook who walked to the bathroom to get changed.

"They're okay?" Taehyung asked when the younger came back. The latter hummed in confirmation. "Good. Let me know if you need anything."

"I'm alright, don't worry," Jungkook assured.

Taehyung hummed as he grabbed Jungkook's ceremony outfit and folded them to place them in the closet. "Today didn't go that badly, huh?"

"No, it went rather well even. Except for the fact that we couldn't get out of there any sooner," said the younger.

"You did. I have to go back there," Taehyung sighed. "And I'm sorry you'll need to get used to these kind of parties after our wedding."

"Oh yes, you're one of those boring people now," Jungkook teased. Taehyung threw a cushion at him, making the younger laugh even harder.

Taehyung walked out of the room and turned off the light as he did so. "Good night."

"Good night,"Jungkook called back. "Have fun at your boring party." Taehyung swore he heard a snicker as he was exiting. He rolled his eyes though he couldn't hold back a small smile.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad getting married for the sake of the business. They were starting to get along well these days.


Thanks for reading and I plan to provide weekly updates since I've pre-written most of the chapters so stick around hehe

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