3.5. The moments leading up to this pt.2

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He sighed and another wave of memories flooded his mind. He smiled this time.

He remembered how, amidst the adults eagerly discussing wedding plans and splitting of shares as if everything had been fixed already, Taehyung had cleared his throat and spoke, "is Jungkook-ssi okay with all this?" His sharp eyes had shifted to Jungkook's own soft, doe ones, and he wondered whether it was possible to be cut from someone's gaze because that's how he felt.

Nonetheless, he stuttered out a quick reply, feeling slightly foolish and awkward under the slicing gaze. "I-I will not be partaking in the business matters, so it's alright to allow my parents to negotiate. They're more knowledgeable."

Taehyung shook his head. "That's not what I mean. The wedding, Jungkook-ssi, do you agree?"

"Of course he does!" Jungkook's mother interrupted. "He's been since the day we announced it!"

Jungkook looked away. He had been fuming, but also disheartened at the way his mother preferred to chase the company's benefit at the expense of her own son.

Taehyung paid no mind to the woman. In a softer voice, he searched Jungkook's eyes and asked, "are you okay with this, Jungkook-ssi?" The younger held his eyes and nearly choked out a sob at the genuine concern in them, but he averted his gaze before any stupid reaction would come out of him.

He gulped. He was aware he was supposed to answer in that moment, hyper-aware of his mother's glare burning holes into his skull and the anticipation of the other party. He had to speak. He couldn't keep mum and anger his mother again.

So, he croaked out a feeble "yes" in hopes that no one would have noticed his hesitation, or rather they would mistake it as shyness.

Taehyung hummed and when Jungkook glanced up at him, he could tell he had not been convinced. "Still, you're really young. I wouldn't want you to throw away your life for this. So, take some time and think it over carefully. We'll talk about this some other time," he said as he got up, seemingly about to leave.

Mrs Jeon rushed to stand as well. "No, no, there's nothing left to consider. He's very sure of his decision. We can proceed as soon as possible," she babbled.

Taehyung's lips turned up in a polite smile, but Jungkook couldn't find the crinkle in his eyes this time. "I don't doubt that he is, but I insist. It's a decision of a lifetime. I'm sure he would like to reconsider - that we both would, in fact, after meeting each other. I also wouldn't mind knowing Jungkook-ssi a little more before finalising everything."

Before Mrs Jeon could speak, her husband nodded. "Of course. Take your time and let us know when you would like to arrange for another meeting."

Jungkook recalled how his mother had been furious after this and had snapped at him about how there was nothing to reconsider - as if he had even had a choice in the first place - and that the merge would happen no matter what.

It had been one or two weekends later that they had met up again. Taehyung had asked to speak to Jungkook in private after noticing his hesitation and lack of participation in the conversations, only replying when directly asked a question and weighing his answers before cautiously saying them out loud.

Jungkook had reluctantly followed, unsure of what to expect. "I thought you might feel more comfortable to speak away from your parents. They seem to be troubling you much, aren't they?" Taehyung asked once they were seated at a table on the terrace outside.

But rather than a question, it sounded mostly like an observation, especially with that unmistakable certainty in his voice. Sharp. Smart. His mother had been right. Taehyung was quiet and his speech prompt. Yet, there was not much that escaped him.

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