3. The moments leading up to this

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Thanks a lot for 100+ reads and 15+ votes.
I love you all ♡


Jungkook was used to the disapproving glares and harsh words of his mother, so it was not a surprise when she burst into his room as he was getting ready for the engagement party and sneered, "you better not ruin the ceremony!" while surveying the surrounding, as if trying to find anything suspicious about her son.

When she didn't, she smoothed out her hair and slammed the door behind her after getting out. Jungkook heaved a heavy sigh.

If he were to be honest, he would admit that he was rather glad to be getting married and finally leaving this place. He was fed up of the repulsive stares and condescending words of his mother. He just didn't understand what he ever did wrong.

Did his own happiness not matter?
Why was the public's view so important?
Why was it a disgrace for him to pursue his very own happiness?

He didn't even have a say in matters pertaining to his own life most of the times. Hell, they didn't even bother asking him before fixing his marriage!

If it weren't for Taehyung constantly asking and making sure that Jungkook was fine with it, he would have never had a choice to begin with. Perhaps, that was the catalyst to him agreeing even.

As he stared at his reflection in the mirror, the day he had accompanied his parents to their first rendez-vous with the Kim family flashed before his eyes. He recalled grumbling and grousing over how he had no interest in getting married or even meeting those people. He only thought about how to deter the Kims away.

His mother had been in a fairly good mood that day, perhaps because she was confident about the alliance. After all, there were way more benefits than drawbacks for the Kims and Jungkook, as usual, would have to acquiesce in whatever decision has been made. She had been coaxing him with sickly-sweet comments about how charming and handsome and kind and smart the boy they were about to meet was.

She sang his praises and told and re-told his countless achievements like they were her own. Jungkook had no idea whether she was trying to belittle him or was genuinely fascinated by this Kim Taehyung guy. Either way, he felt annoyed.

He was fascinating too! He was the finest and most dedicated painter at his school. He had won countless prizes in contests and had famous artists taking interest in his artworks at impressive exhibitions. Why was it never enough to satisfy his parents?

His mother mainly. His father would at least congratulate him and brush it off, but his mother would never acknowledge a single one of his achievements, not even when he topped the academy and had his artwork placed in a grand exhibition alongside great painters of their country.

He could bet Taehyung hadn't even touched any such feats. Okay, maybe not. Being a CEO and managing a large company at 26 only was admirable. That didn't mean he had any sort of admiration for him still. Taehyung's whole existence annoyed him even though he had never seen him before.

Jungkook's eyes met their image in the mirror as he placed deep blue contacts into them and he recalled the moment those eyes had first landed on Taehyung. His hair so dark it could have been mistaken for the night sky and so soft it seemed almost weightless on his head. It rested in soft waves on his forehead, swaying gently as the breeze met them when Jungkook's family opened the door of the restaurant.

His long fingers delicately displaced them slightly above his eyes, giving his fringe more volume, as he curiously glanced up at the people coming in. His eyes lit up and a smile broke onto his lips as he saw the Jeon family. And oh, those eyes! They were dark brown like those of most people Jungkook had known, yet they seemed so different. So isolated.

Sharp at the edges, yet round as his eyeball when he had looked up with fleeting curiosity. They then took the shape of half-moons when he smiled, and Jungkook wondered whether his eyes crinkled even further when he laughed. The younger took notice of his peculiar eyelids - mono on the right and double on the left - when Taehyung bowed in greeting to Mr and Mrs Jeon.

It was only then that Jungkook realised he had not yet bowed and hastily did so, hoping no one had noticed his tardiness. As he stood again, his eyes trailed up Taehyung's figure. His trousers were the colour of milk tea and he was wearing a brown trench coat over a woollen shirt. He looked chic yet casual and it matched his neatly messy hair.

Jungkook's trailing eyes paused on his lips. They were pink as a bud and shaped like a bow, and Jungkook caught sight of a mole on his lower lip. He noticed he had another mole on the tip of his sharp and tall nose. Taehyung was truly a work of art and he could see why everyone was so spellbound by him.

But despite his handsomeness, a poignant feeling of distaste crossed Jungkook. He almost scowled at the man before him and had to hold himself from punching him in his divinely sculpted face. He despised the smile on his lips, and despised his nonchalance even more. Why did he seem so relaxed when Jungkook was quivering with tremor on the inside? How could he smile so easily when Jungkook had to muster all his effort to force the muscles of his lips to turn up? How could his eyes twinkle with such glee when Jungkook's were threatening to spill with tears of anger and dejection at any moment? The younger felt so out of place here, among people who spoke business as their second language and had no regard for his wishes and well-being.

Jungkook paused and dabbed away the tears of frustration that were starting to form at the remembrance of that instant. He then slipped the contacts into his eyes and hummed in satisfaction as they didn't look too odd. They suited him, even.

He sighed and another wave of memories flooded his mind. He smiled this time.


I'm not late today hehe
Happy Taehyungie day to you all🐯🥳💜
And Happy New Year in advance too <3
Plus little side note: I posted a Christmas au on twitter today, so you can check that out too if you'd like💕

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you next year!

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