6. Soulmates

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"Do you guys believe in soulmates?"

Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about it before. I guess it might exist for some people."

"Oh stop trying to act all cool and nonchalant in front of Jungkook! You were totally simping for Namjoon a few years ago and claimed stuff like you were both meant to be and connected by a red string and you feel flutters and butterflies or whatever," Jimin exposed.

Colour rose to Taehyung's cheeks, tinting them a bright red as he attempted to shut Jimin up. "That was a long time ago!" He defended, lightly punching his friend.

"But you're still blushing," the eldest laughed.

He then turned to Jungkook. "What about you? Do you?"

"I suppose," the youngest of the three nodded. "I don't know if it's real or if miracles do happen, but I hope to meet my soulmate someday. And to know it when I've met them. Like I don't know how it happens or if soulmates really have a mark or feel a connection, but I hope I can hear the bells when I see mine."

The other two smiled fondly at him. "I didn't know you're such a hopeless romantic, Jungkook-ssi," commented Taehyung teasingly.

Jimin scoffed. "Of course you wouldn't! You barely even pay attention to the poor boy, always burying yourself in heaps of work!"

"Can you stop fighting with me for one minute?" Taehyung asked, exasperated.

"Nope!" Jimin stuck out his tongue as he sassily crossed his arms, bringing a laugh out of Jungkook.

"I must have stolen a lot from you, Jungkook-ssi, haven't I?" Taehyung said a while after their bickering stopped.

Jungkook looked at him, wide-eyed. "What do you mean?"

"You seem like you would have dreamt to live one of those fairytale-like stories instead of being stuck with a boring businessman."

"Ah it's not that bad. I mean, I get to eat pizza while watching my favourite movie when your best friend decides to roll over and stop you from being a boring businessman."

Jimin laughed at that while Taehyung slightly pouted. "Hey that's mean! I'm not that boring all the time."

"You're the one who said it first!"

"Ok? And you were supposed to disagree with it instead of adding on to it???"

"See, you're even bickering with Jungkook now!" Jimin accused.

"Shut up, Namjoon was right when he said you've got no jam!"

"Excuse you! I'm the one who brought the fun (jaem) here and Jungkook fully agrees with that, don't you?" He turned to the youngest who was laughing too much to respond.

Jungkook was enjoying that energy that swirled the air at that moment. It was the first time in months, or even years, that he felt like a normal college boy, which was rather ironic since he was sitting on a couch no normal college boy could afford in a house that screamed 'wealthy business heir', but it was just that laid-back feeling that he appreciated, feeling comfortable around people after such a long time and joking around and laughing. To truly fit in somewhere for once.

Jungkook wished this night would go on for a long time, and it sure did. At some point, they were sitting with cans of beer on the floor, backs leaning against the couch, discussing and reflecting on some aspects of their lives. Their conversation somehow steered back to the topic of soulmates and destiny and Jimin decided to ask, "isn't it also funny how fate got you both together?"

"It's nothing like that," Taehyung brushed off. "You know it's all about business merges. Besides, I told Jungkook we could part ways anytime he wants or when he finds someone else he would rather be with."

Jimin looked between the two. "Really?" Jungkook nodded in affirmation. "So... you guys are, in like, a... an open relationship or something?"

Taehyung laughed. "No, not like that. We just agreed that we will be mostly living as friends and we each have the freedom to do whatever we want in life as long as it doesn't damage any of our images."

"What if one of you wants to stay together while the other wants to part ways?" Jimin asked.

He received a puzzled expression from Taehyung. "Why would we want that?" The latter inquired, head tilted. The caramel blonde's eyes shifted between the married couple, encountering the same confused look on both ends. He sighed, wondering whether that thought had truly never occurred to any of them.

"I mean, what if one of you falls in love with the other?!" Jimin exclaimed, arms flailing about.

Taehyung exploded in laughter. "Why would that even happen?" It was Jimin's turn to shoot him a bewildered expression. "We're both aware that we married for the sake of a business partnership. There's nothing like that between us. Besides, there's barely any time for any of us to fall in love, you know?"

"You know it doesn't happen like that," Jimin narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, but there's nothing to worry about. We're just friends, right Jungkook-ssi?" He looked towards the youngest who nodded in confirmation. The idea of them being in a true relationship sounded so ridiculous at that moment.

"If you say so," mumbled Jimin.

"How about the splitting? How would you guys do that if you separate soon enough? Wouldn't it be a waste of the whole plan if you were to end it in, say, 3 months or so?" He spoke up again.

"Oh, the major benefit is already there. The merge was mostly to boost the interest and sales of the new products being launched from both ends and that was successful. Still is, actually. And the contract for the partnership is a long-term one. It won't expire anytime soon, regardless of our marriage. The wedding was mostly just for PR, y'know? Like there were some more benefits with the clauses and all but at the end of the day, it was mostly PR," explained Taehyung.

Jimin quietly nodded. These business matters and dealings were not his expertise and he never quite got the hang of it, even though his best friend is a chief executive officer. All he knew was that love had nothing to do with business. They're two immiscible matters, each independent of the other.

Love could occur all of a sudden and all at once, like a sudden wave that washes everything away and leaves behind an array of emotions. It's so much so that you can do nothing about it; you can't prevent it when you start feeling its first signs, you can't slow it down or stop its intensity, you can try to hide it but that doesn't stop it from raging and reigning over your heart at all times.

And he was well-placed to know that.


Hey! So idk who's been on twt lately but those past few days have been so freaking delightful!! K-armys and I-armys encouraging eo as we chart BTS' songs on local and global charts respectively,,, it felt like our energy as a fandom is back like it was in 2017-2019 and that's so damn nostalgic and fulfilling! I love it!!!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chap, we have tons of fluff coming in the next chapters!! Meanwhile stream BWL and My Universe to 1B, Wings to 2B, I Need U to 300M and HYYH pt.1 to 1B💜💜💫

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