5. Guest & movies

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Jungkook and Taehyung were both at home today, each busy with their own things. Jungkook was working on an assignment for his psychology course and Taehyung was in his room furiously typing away on his laptop while answering his phone that would ring every 2 minutes.

Earlier in the day, Jungkook had gone to check up on him and ask if he would like to eat or drink anything but the elder had looked so absorbed in work that he preferred not to disturb him again.

So, when the bell sounded incessantly several times, the brunette rushed to open the door, wondering who in the world could be visiting them on a Saturday afternoon without prior notice. He also hoped Taehyung wasn't getting too annoyed with the continuous ringing.

Jungkook was panting when he reached the front door. In front of him stood a figure that he had seen before at their engagement and wedding. "Did you run all the way here? I wanted to alert Taehyung but you came instead, sorry," the honey-coloured haired boy chuckled sheepishly.

"Where is that motherfucker anyway?" He asked as he made his way inside, hands on his hips.

Jungkook didn't have the time to respond before the man was already walking up the stairs. He followed tentatively until he found himself at Taehyung's door.

He watched as the man reached for Taehyung's laptop and lifted it off his lap before setting it aside. "Give it back!" Taehyung protested.

"No," the other stuck out his tongue, placing the device out of the CEO's reach.

Taheyung rolled his eyes and got off the bed to retrieve it but the smaller man was quick to take it and run to the other side of the room, with Taehyung hot on his heels demanding to get back his laptop.

Jungkook had no idea how Taehyung was going to react. He had never seen him angry but he knew not to mess with his work. The CEO was really serious about his job and the younger had heard how strict he could get over the phone sometimes, though he had never witnessed it in person.

Truthfully, the only interactions he's had with Taehyung were all friendly or formal. Even after they got married, they barely talked due to being busy, and even when they did, it was brief and casual, so Jungkook really had no idea about the other facets of Taehyung.

"A guest visits your place and you don't even go down to meet him?" Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the smaller man reproach.

He realised their banter was still going on and when he looked up, he saw the man standing on the bed while Taehyung was on the floor, trying to get him to come down. The sight was pretty comical, if not for the fact that the man was balancing the laptop in one hand while using his other one to shut it down.


"NO," the man, Jimin, stuck out his tongue. "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, HUH??"


Taehyung climbed onto the bed to catch him and Jimin shrieked as he jumped down. They ran around like overgrown kids for a while before Jimin turned to him and held his palm up. "Okay okay, stop. I'm getting tired," he panted.

Taehyung was panting as well. "Just let me get back to work, Jimin," he sighed. "I've got so much to do."

"I already turned it off," the other shrugged.


"Chill, I saved your work."

Taehyung walked towards him to retrieve his laptop but Jimin turned away. "Enough work for today! It's a Saturday evening, for God's sake!"

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