Few Words Before We Begin

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I have some stuff to say, so take a seat and sip some purple tea while you wait for your ticket to the magic shop (you're an icon if you get the reference sjdhdj)
You can move on if you don't want to but if you're staying, buckle up!

Sooo you've probably noticed that this is very different from the stuff I usually write. Well, that is, if you've read my previous works. Work actually, coz I've only gotten 1 completed one so far, but we're working on the second one🤠 (Go check them out if you haven't)


I mean even from the cover itself, the length, the themes and down to the way I title the chapters even, literally everything is so apart from what I usually write that I'm surprised as to how I even got on that path at all. IT'S THE VERSATILITY Y'ALL!! Let me hear the claps👏👏👏

Just kidding, I've got a long way to go and I feel like my themes are recurring when it comes to the constant angst I enjoy putting in my books for no apparent reason. BUT I hope that this book will change that.

This book is going to (hopefully) be much more light-hearted than any of my previous (and future) works. So if y'all see this has gotten to like 30 or 40 parts, scold me right now coz that's now how I had planned it to go-- but if it's within what can be considered a short story, then I deserve the congratulations *claps claps* Jk, jk.

Jungkook: have I been summoned, milady?
Me: literally no???? And this is not a historical fiction, stop speaking like you came out of an 1870s book.

*enter J.K Rowling*
Me: Can the JKs go away?? I meant Just Kidding ffs

*JJK (JuJutsu Kaisen) cast staring at me from the door*
Me: GODDAMMIT there's more?????

Anyways, lemme get back on track- the chapters here are also much shorter than what I've written on this account. Honestly the last time I've written chapters this short was when I was like 13 or 14. And I'll be trying to keep the language and plot simplistic while still being enjoyable. So, hopefully this will be a fun write for me and a fun read for you all.

Thank you for sticking around💜✨️


So I decided to randomly begin writing this (although I have an incomplete book that's been glaring daggers at me) because I don't have much time to write these days. Now, you might be thinking... then why tf are you starting a new book and putting additional pressure when you could very well keep writing the other? Well that is because Janus-Faced is driving me insane.

I know I planned that book, I'm in charge of the plot and writing but goddammit am I confused about what's going on in there! How am I supposed to make it coherent for people when I barely understand my own thought process? That's why I decided to go down a simpler lane (and swore that I'm never EVER gonna write another story with that much subplots)

Like don't get me wrong, JF is a story I'm incredibly passionate about writing and I get excited everytime I think about it. But as the story progresses, I find it hard to connect the characters, provide the details, develop their backgrounds and tackle the different aspects of it while staying focused on/bringing it all back to the main plot due to how complex the story I imagined is.

I guess I didn't see the problem with it when it was still in my mind but writing it makes me realise how damn tough it is to develop smh. That's why I decided to stop losing time over planning and plotting and get to actually writing instead. Because I missed creative writing SO FREAKING MUCH!!!

Plotting stories excite me when I think of the end result but actually writing, esp smth this lighthearted, warms my heart and provides me an escape from real life and that was smth I needed a lot this year!

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