8. Sharks & Pareos

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Yk what I said abt shorter chapters? Well fuck that coz Taekook are on holidays and I can't help writing unnecessary fun and fluff scenes and I refuse to split their ten thousand hours into ten thousand chapters, so you'll have to bear with me. Sorry.

Enjoy tho! Ik the title makes it doubtful but this chap's cute <3


The next day, Jungkook woke up with dark tufts of hair brushing in his face. Strange. He was pretty certain he had brown hair.

He was still dazed with sleep and tried turning around but felt a heavy weight on top of him. What even--

It was only then that it all clicked in his mind and his eyes shot wide open. Right. The honeymoon. Right. Husband. Right. Sleep hugs. Right. He'll lose his mind.

He figured he should move them before Taehyung wakes up because it would surely be awkward. But the latter wouldn't budge. And there was not much Jungkook could do either because he was lying on his stomach while Taehyung clung to his back like a backpack.

His muscles felt stiff from remaining in one position for so long. He wanted to move but didn't wish to disturb Taehyung as well. That didn't last for long as a loud knock sounded on the door, startling the elder out of his sleep.

He groaned and nestled deeper into his pillow - until he realised whatever he was snuggling into was too hairy to be a pillow - and quickly lifted his head to find out that he had been nuzzling into Jungkook's nape. He shot up with a look of mortified embarrassment and rushed to the door in his groggy state, but regretted it the moment he reached it.

He looked and felt horribly disoriented, rightfully so since he had been so suddenly woken up. He could barely even balance on his own feet and held onto the doorknob to remain upright.

"Good morning. I apologise for waking you up," said the man at the door. He seemed to be a hotel manager or hotelier, and Taehyung wondered why in the world was such a person knocking at their door this early in the morning. "I have been entrusted with ensuring a delightful holiday for you, and I would like to hand you your itinerary for your week's stay."

Taehyung stared, confused, for a moment and grabbed the sheet from the man. It was filled with activities and destinations meant for them to visit. Was Jimin the one to plan this all for them? He really did have some dedication for sure!

"Your first day's activity is a full day lagoon cruise with lunch included. You shall leave after breakfast and will be accompanied by an expert guide. Just let me know if you need anything," the man bowed.

He was about to leave when Taehyung called out. "Uhm yes... I would like an extra pillow," he said awkwardly. "And uh with no- with no roses."

The man blinked blankly at him. That was clearly not what he had expected, it seemed. But he soon nodded. "Y-yes, yes right away, sir. Extra pillow with no roses."

Taehyung closed the door after the man, heaving a breath he had no idea he had been holding until he saw that Jungkook wasn't in the room anymore. He stared at the bathroom door and hid his face in his hands. But he would have to face him again once he came out of the bathroom.

Why? Just why did he have to embarrass himself like that?! The pillow he had been promised came soon enough and Taehyung used it to bury his face in it and muffle a scream. He wished he would just suffocate so he wouldn't have to see Jungkook again.

When the younger came back, Taehyung quickly told him he could go to breakfast without him and dashed into the washroom without giving Jungkook the time to answer. He waited until he could hear no more noise from the outside, concluding the younger was gone, before stepping out. But he nearly had a heart attack seeing Jungkook still there, waiting for him.

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