7. Cuddles and champagne talks

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I'm extremely sorry it took this long for me to post this. I've been super busy lately and honestly, I had completely forgotten I was publishing a story lol
Time has been flying so fast too! I can't believe 2 months of 2023 are already over!

I'll make sure to be on time next week!
Enjoy this chapter💕


Jimin had deemed Taehyung as too "engaged in work" and "time-poor" and had decided to send the couple off to their honeymoon that had been delayed for so long.

He claimed that they both needed a rest after their toils and exams and had surprised them with plane tickets and booked hotel in Bora Bora, an island part of the Leeward group of islands in French Polynesia in the South Pacific Ocean.

He had originally planned to send them off for 2 weeks but had settled on 1 week since he knew Taehyung would have to get back to work eventually and Jungkook had an upcoming training program. The whole thing had been received with mixed reactions; awkward thanks from Jungkook, an "ARE YOU INSANE?!" shout from Taehyung (which Jimin very conveniently ignored), threat from Jimin who menaced he would kidnap Taehyung in his sleep and put him on the plane if he did not agree to go by himself, more arguments, Taehyung giving in as usual...

And that was how Taehyung and Jungkook found themselves boarding the plane, with Taehyung mumbling about how crazy his best friend is and Jungkook laughing by his side. The youngest had previously been intimidated by Jimin's over-zealousness the first few times they had met, but now, he just saw him as one of the most fun persons he had ever encountered.

He sometimes wondered how Jimin and Taehyung were friends, inseparable best friends at that. They were polar opposites and were almost always arguing over silly things. He never quite got it. But then, he recalled he did have one such friend when he was younger, though the boy was not the same age as him. They used to fight a lot too, yet he would also take care of Jungkook well.

Some long hours later, they reached their hotel. None of them had slept during the flight since they were both quite excited. Truthfully, it had been a while since Taehyung last went on vacation and he was silently grateful for it. When they opened the door...

"Oh... my God," Jungkook breathed out. "I was thinking more of a vacation trip, but he's really making it obvious that it's supposed to be a honeymoon, isn't he?" he said on seeing the ridiculously large banner with "HAPPY HONEYMOON" written in big bold letters and right underneath, "I hope the depth of my sincerity will match that of your love and affection, enjoy your stay" in smaller letters surrounded with tons of hearts in all shades of red.

The room itself was not very different. It was night time when they arrived and the place had been decorated with scented candles which gave a sultry lighting, multiple flowers, mostly roses, that were thoughtfully situated at nearly every inch of the room and petals scattered on the wooden floor. The large bed at the centre bore similar rose petals spelling out the words "love is you & I" and an iced bucket containing 2 bottles of champagne accompanied by 2 towel swans kissing each other.

Taehyung also found a welcome letter from the staff on the bedside table. He chuckled, seeing Jungkook facepalm. "He paid for a honeymoon package alright," he said amusingly. The younger groaned, wanting nothing more than to bury his face into the pillows and let them engulf him whole, except they had fully grown roses on them and he had a feeling they would have to be plucking thorns out the whole night tonight.

The two cleared out the bed to prepare themselves to sleep and sure enough, they did have to pluck out thorns from the pillows. Jungkook went into the bathroom to change into his pyjamas and when he came back, Taehyung was pouring a glass of champagne.

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