2. University Boyfriends?

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A/N: Sorry I was camping and forgot abt the Friday update sjdhdh

It was 10 o'clock when Taehyung walked into the room he had given Jungkook the previous night. He supposed the latter had already gone to university early in the morning. He wondered if Jungkook even got enough sleep last night.

But when he entered the room, he found the boy laying on the bed while lazily scrolling through his phone. Jungkook noticed him and waved, "hey, morning!"

"Don't you have classes today?" Taehyung asked, perplexed.

"Yeah, at 13:00," he grinned.

The elder gasped. "You lied to me! You could have very well kept me company last night, you traitor!"

"Technically, I didn't lie per se. I simply omitted the fact that my class was in the afternoon and got an easy way out," Jungkook laughed. "Besides you never asked what time the class started."

"How did it go anyway?" Jungkook asked.

"Awful!" exclaimed Taehyung as he plopped down on the bed, facing Jungkook. "Those people seemed like they were ready to settle here if they could, they wouldn't leave!"

"Wouldn't blame them, it's a pretty house," Jungkook chuckled, gesturing vaguely around the room.

"Yeah and that's why you're acting like you're about to settle here too, hm?"

"Just getting adapted for my future days here," Jungkook joked. "And are you trying to oust me??"

"What if I am? What will you do, huh?" Taehyung teased. "Besides, we won't be staying here anyway. I have a penthouse in one of the condos in Gangnam-gu. We'll live there."

"Still, this will be my in-laws' house, you can't throw me out."

"My, aren't you excited for this wedding!" Taehyung joked.

"Well, who wouldn't be when they're getting married to a young handsome rich dude who happens to own an apartment in the wealthiest area of South Korea?" Jungkook grinned.

"Ouch, you're only marrying me for my money, I see," said Taehyung in feigned hurt.

"Bold of you to say that when you are the one marrying me for the sake of your business," Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes.

Yet, Taehyung's own dark brown eyes hardened and his expression became serious, a whole 180° from his previous mischievous mood. "You do know you can back away from this at any moment, right? I don't want you to regret it," he said sincerely.

"I know, we've talked about this and I've thought it all through properly, don't worry. Just focus on how big of a success yesterday's event was," Jungkook chirped, showing his phone screen to Taehyung.

Articles narrating the event and celebrating the newly engaged couple as well as others analysing the impact that it will have on the companies had been written since last night. "We really got everyone duped with that scene. It's funny how they all gobbled up that story without questioning any of it. And what's funnier is I had no idea you even existed 3 months earlier but it's being printed everywhere that we had been dating for over a year," Jungkook laughed.

"I'm still shocked about that. You really don't keep up with the latest news, do you?" Taehyung asked. It was truly surprising that Jungkook hadn't heard of him before since he had been making headlines after being appointed as new CEO. Plus his graduation from university was a pretty big deal too.

"Yes, I do!" Jungkook protested. "A man disguised as an elderly woman in a wheelchair tried to vandalise the Mona Lisa at the Louvre museum a few days ago by smearing cake on it," he said, as if testifying his knowledge of what's going on around the world.

"I mean, other than art news," Taehyung chuckled, finding Jungkook quite adorable.

"They don't interest me," he shrugged.

They scrolled through more articles, sneering at the irony of some and approving of the writing of others. You could say they were having quite some fun going through the public's reactions, ranging from astonishment at the sudden news to cooing over how cute and 'in love' they looked.

Jungkook snorted at a particular headline. "And uni boyfriends? As if I even leave the art room to wander around campus. I genuinely have no idea what the business and science side of uni look like although I've been attending for 6 years now."

Taehyung chuckled, "I bet most people were even surprised that you went to SNU. But that's good, they'll all think they never see you around 'cause you're spending all your free time with your boyfie." He winked.

"Taehyung, you've graduated from university over a year ago and I'm still not any better at socialising," the younger dead-panned.

Taehyung shrugged. "You could be face-timing me or something?"

Jungkook raised a brow. "Oh? The busy CEO has time to spend videocalling his supposed boyfriend all day long now?"

"Only because I love you so much," Taehyung joked and threw himself onto Jungkook in a tight hug.

"Sure sure," Jungkook rolled his eyes while pushing him away. "By the way, was all this really necessary? The whole we've been dating from before the engagement thingy? A lot of people get married for the sake of their businesses, it's nothing unusual."

He had been genuinely curious about this. It's not like he had any issue with the idea of being married to Taehyung, but he just couldn't grasp why it couldn't have been done without any fuss.

Despite being the sole child and heir of the Jeons, a family of businessmen, Jungkook had no interest in that field, which his parents found odd and displeasing. He was reserved and preferred spending time on his own, painting, singing or reading.

Business felt boring to him and he couldn't imagine himself in a suit all day in front of a laptop and other well-decked people who always kept straight faces. He wondered how his fiancé did it. Maybe he would ask him someday.

"It's for publicity," Taehyung answered. "Dad thought it would bring attention in a good manner. As you said, business alliances are so common, but this story about 'university boyfriends' sparked a lot of interest for all the positive reasons."

Jungkook nodded even though he still didn't quite get the purpose. It just fed into the habit of nosy people who couldn't keep their noses out of other's business. Jungkook hated having his privacy breached, hence why he always preferred to remain in the shadows rather than the spotlight.

"Look at this," Taehyung laughed, taking Jungkook out of his short reverie. "My mom pretending like we didn't rehearse that proposal under her directions for 2 weeks."

Jungkook focused back on the video of Mrs Kim giving an interview for some business newschannel or magazine. He chuckled, "yeah, and look at mine wiping a fake tear."

His mother had seemed rather content yesterday, and it made Jungkook happy. For once he hadn't disappointed her and for once she hadn't been nagging at him.

He glanced at Taehyung as he kept on watching more and more videos of last night's function, which he deemed hilarious, it seemed, from his uncontrollable laughter.

And as he kept his eyes trained on the elder boy, he wondered.

He wondered what it was like to be a perfect son to his parents.


Y'all Taehyung's "It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas"😭😭😭 this man's voice istg >>>>>>>

Thanks for reading loves, hope you enjoyed playful and bickering Taekook🥺💕

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