4. Late night habits

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The weeks following the engagement and the wedding that didn't come too long after were eventful to say the least. The press coverage was good and everything had gone according to plan. The partnership was also signed smoothly and the companies did benefit a lot from it even in that short time. The Kims and Jeons were the hot topic of the town for weeks and weeks.

Taehyung was getting constant deal offers and meetings with executives of renowned businesses, and maybe his new reputation as the young and hot CEO was helping a little bit in that. Nonetheless, he was also known for his developed skills and sharp mind which prompted the desire to work with him in more people.

But that also entailed that he had a lot of work and was almost never home. They didn't even go for a honeymoon trip after their wedding due to the huge workload that awaited him. In fact, he and Jungkook could barely even sit for a conversation with how taken up they both were since the younger also had his exams at the moment. That was another reason they were forced to delay the trip.

Jungkook was almost always in his artroom, working on his final project or studying for his written exams. He would usually stay up until late. However, one night, he got worried when he saw it was already 2 a.m. and Taehyung wasn't back home yet.

He tried calling him a few times but he didn't pick up. Maybe he was busy? But Taehyung always came back around midnight and kept working at home if he had much to do. It was unusual that he would stay there until so late. Jungkook decided he should, perhaps, go to his office to see if he was alright.

As he ran down the stairs to go out, the door opened and Taehyung stumbled in, his bag slumping from his shoulder, eyes nearly closed and steps faltering as he walked. Jungkook rushed to hold him before he could fall over.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned, as he held the elder by the shoulder and closed the door behind him. Taehyung looked like he could collapse at any moment.

"Hmm 'm okay, really tired," he mumbled, words jumbled, as he turned himself to face Jungkook and let his weight fall onto the younger in an embrace.

Jungkook held him up, though he felt a little bit awkward, considering he wasn't used to hugs and such. They were pressed so close that Jungkook could smell the sweaty musky scent of Taehyung's perfume. He didn't know what he should be doing in that moment, where he should place his hands.

So, he settled on taking his mind away from the awkwardness and focus back on Taehyung. "Is everything alright at the company? You finished late today," he said. Late was an understatement actually.

"Yeah," Taehyung replied, head resting on Jungkook's shoulder. "Nothing's ever been so good for the company before, but there's so much work and it's exhausting."

"Hm... have you considered employing more assistants? It might help you get through and decrease your workload."

Taehyung turned his head to bury his face in Jungkook's neck, subtly inhaling the flowery scent of the younger. Though the thought did cross his mind, he was too tired to even be concerned about how sweaty and smelly he might have been against the clean brunette in that moment. "It could, but there's still stuff I need to do myself as CEO. And I rather do them properly than rely on someone else, to be honest."

Jungkook realised how truly responsible and hardworking the elder was. He nodded and simply held him by the waist as Taehyung nuzzled his face into his neck a little, his nose rubbing against Jungkook's skin. They remained that way for some minutes until none of them could tell how much time had passed.

A loud grumble sounded. Jungkook broke the silence, "hungry?"

Taehyung nodded. "Mhm, I haven't eaten yet."

"Since lunch??" The younger inquired, pulling back to gaze at Taehyung with wide concern-filled eyes.

"Not if 7 cups of coffee count," Taehyung sheepishly responded.

Jungkook glared at him. "Don't drink so much coffee, that too on an empty stomach, it's unhealthy. You could've called me, I would've dropped some food for you at the office!"

"Mm didn't want to disturb you, you have exams," Taehyung replied as he snuggled closer once more.

Jungkook gave him a gentle shake. "Go wash up and change. I'll heat the food. I made bibimbap today," he grinned, knowing Taehyung was fond of the one he made.

Jungkook was the one who cooked the meals between the two since Taehyung was almost never home and couldn't cook to save his life. The ravenette liked Jungkook's cooking and would often look forward to a good meal after a long day's work, though he would sometimes go straight to bed if he was way too exhausted.

Even if Taehyung had been about to protest that he was too tired to eat, hearing that Jungkook had made bibimbap left no room for further discussion. He wouldn't skip it for anything in the world.

After getting clean and refreshed, the elder walked back into the kitchen, the divine smell of the food hitting him. He sighed in satisfaction and sat before his bowl. "I wonder how japchae made by you would taste like," he mused as he savoured the taste of the food and ate to his fill.

Jungkook looked at him quizzically from across him. "Why japchae?"

"It's my favourite," Taehyung grinned.

"I'll try it someday then," Jungkook decided.

The two talked about random things for a while until the elder had finished eating. Jungkook ended up following him to his room as they continued their conversation until the younger noticed Taehyung yawning at regular intervals and his eyes turning red.

"You should sleep. It's really late," he said.

"Mhm," Taehyung nodded, pulling the blanket over himself. "Good night."

"Good night." Jungkook walked to the door and when he looked back at the elder, a soft smile spread across his lips as he noticed Taehyung had already fallen asleep. He turned the lights off and murmured, "sleep tight."


Hi! Hope you enjoyed the little fluff that seeped into this chapter💕

Btw Vibe is such a great song and I love how equally distributed the lines are. It really feels like a true collab rather than just a feature! I heard we're getting a music show performance by both of them and a new suchwita ep is dropping too!! I can't wait coz I really love that show omgg

Tho I genuinely hope it's possible for you to love the boys more than you hold enmity with others (and yes, I am referencing today's follow accident here bc I was disheartened by the things some ppl tweeted abt tae. He deserves a lot better)

Pls trust, support and love the boys. They deserve lots of it💜💫

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