The Start Of A New Day ;) Pt. 1

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Published on: May 1, 2022
Edited: May 15, 2022

Chapter 2

~Ava's POV~

"Alright, alright I'm up geez.. You're so stupid but I love you.." I said as I woke up to the annoying alarms and Johnny meowing endlessly.

"Hmm, I don't remember setting up three more alarms.. I only set up one if I reme-"

I suddenly heard my phone rang and realized I had a phone call from the one and only, annoying Lorelai.

I answered the phone in a drowsy tone and said,


"Oh it's you Lorelai.."

She asked me how I was doing and I responded with,

"Heh, I don't know anyone who's excited to get a call at 7am in the morning...on a Friday.." I said as I exit my bedroom still on the phone as Johnny follows.

"Yes I know I normally sleep in, but I've got a job interview today"

The conversation continued as I walked into the living room, looking for (Y/N).

"I just said I have a job interview today, I'm not interested in going to an anime convention on such a stressful day!"

Lorelai's whining muffled noises through the phone is all I heard.

"I don't care if it's down the street!"

The girl kept on complaining like her life depends on it.

"Lorelai, I know I'm boring, but you're annoying so we're even.." I mumbled on the phone.

"Nothing! Nothing, I was just talking to my cat heheh.."

Lorelai finds it suspicious but brushed it off and continued her whining, ugh annoying..

Just as the convo was going on, I noticed a note on the fridge, then I interrupt Lorelai saying,

"I'm hanging up now bye!"

The girl tries to prevent me from doing so, but despite that, I ended the call and put my phone down.

"Ugh, it's to early to deal with life!" I whined, "I'm going to go change first.."

After I changed my clothes, I remember the note that I assume (Y/N) left.

"Oh yeah, the note!" I walked to the fridge, and read the note saying the following:

"Gooood morning Ava! How
was your beauty sleep?
Hopefully you woke up early,
because of your interview today
remember? Hehe, well if you're
wondering why I'm not here at
the moment, I went out for an
early morning walk. I couldn't
sleep much at night and woke up
early. I'll be back soon enough
don't worry. Oop I better not
waste your time reading this hehe.

Goodluck on your interview, and I
hope you do well!" 파이팅!~ (Fighting!)

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