Kindness of Humans

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Published on: July 24, 2022

Chapter 7

~(Y/N) POV~

"Oh good, you're awake!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Rhys leaning beside me. It was quite a blurry sight, the fact that I did not have my glasses on.

"No, I'm...not," I responded, forcing myself to answer him.

"But your talking," He said.

"I'm...kinda forcing myself to talk right do you need something or?..."

"Remember your promise to take us out when the sun rises?" He asked.

"Mhm, is" I asked, with my eyes slightly closed.

"I have one more important thing to tell you."

"Hm, and that is?..."

"Remember to let the other Daemos eat ice cream as well. It is important for our research." He said.

"Is that just an excuse for you to eat ice cream?..." I asked, opening one eye.

"Yes!" He admitted, sparkles forming in his eyes.

"I'll think about it..." I mumbled, slowly drifting back to sleep.

After that short conversation, Rhys walked away and reminded,

"Don't forget!" before slowly closing the door. I slowly closed my eyes again, hoping that I could sleep peacefully.

~An Hour Later~

"Hm wha- Leif, what the hell are you doing?!" I groaned.

"Trying to get the Leif in the magic slab to show him who's superior!" He said as he continued to punch the phone.

"That's not even the right phone, dumbass..."

I literally woke up next to a hot Daemos sitting like an orangutan punching the shit out of my phone.

"Oh my God, stop punching my phone!" I said squinting my eyes.

He turned to me and said,

"Make me!"

I groaned once more and grabbed the phone. I placed it inside my hoodie in between my boobs.

"Uhh, what is that supposed to do?" He questioned.

"Make you not grab my phone, because it's hard to reach and you respect my boundaries?..." I squinted my eyes.


"NO, NO, NO! I put a curse under it so IF YOU TOUCH IT, YOU WILL DIE." I warned, as my eyes suddenly widened.

"Heh, you know I respect that you put curses in all sorts of things. It makes me respect you," He smirked.

"Hah? You just said-"

"Watch your back, Prisoner (Y/N)."

He finally left the room but left the door open. That annoyed me but I was too comfy to get up.

"Fucks sake bruh..." I mumbled as I drifted off to sleep, again.

~Another Hour later~

I felt someone next to me, so I slightly opened my eyes to see Noi next to me, watching me sleep.

I gasped and tried to cover my beet-red face by putting my hood on and covering my face with both of my hands.

"W-What are you doing?..." I stuttered.

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