Daemos In Love!?

479 16 3

Published: July 24, 2023

Chapter 11

~Third Person POV~

"Ava! Ava, wake up!" (Y/N) exclaimed, holding Ava's body, slightly shaking it.

"Pumpkin!? Devon, this isn't good..." Andrew said, worried. "She's been passed out longer than ever!"

Full of worry, (Y/N) gripped on Ava's body, hoping she'd wake up soon.

"I'm calling 911-"

Before Devon could call, Liam crouched down and placed his finger under her nose to check if she was breathing, then checked her pulse.

He slightly slapped her face twice, waking her up.

"Pumpkin!" Andrew and (Y/N) cried.

"Are you alright?" Liam asked.

"Oh goodness, we were so worried about you!" Devon places his hand in his chest.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry about this," (Y/N) muttered.

"Y-Yeah, I'm"-

"I AM HERE TO HELP!" Marco said as he threw a bucket of water on the two girls.

"EEK, COLD!" (Y/N) and Ava squirmed, only for them to hug each other tighter for warmth.

"Oh! She's awake, my apologies," Marco rubbed his neck.

"Thank you for your assistance, Marco. We can take it from here."

Liam gave his coat to (Y/N) for the both of them to warm up.

"Arigatou," (Y/N) thanked.

"Sure, sure! Pizza's on the house for this one. Just make sure Ava's alright," Marco reassured Andrew. "Are you positive you don't want me to call an ambulance or anything?"

"No, this is common for Ava but thank you though," Devon replied.

"Alright, hm, what should I tell her boyfriend?"

Ava sat up and quickly said, "Wait! N-Noi? Where is..where are they???"

"They're outside, Andrew told them to wait for us there," (Y/N) reassured, helping Ava up.

"Also, girls, you have some explaining to do."

The girls glanced outside to see them possibly arguing with each other. At this point they don't know what to say to their parents and uncles. (Y/N)'s step-brother definitely isn't pleased by this.

The Daemos meanwhile were discussing on who should court them and how they should learn about human courtship when Ava and the others stepped out of the pizza place.

"She's alright, Noi and friends.." Andrew told the five men.

"Girls, do you care to tell us what's going on?" Devon seemed worried and confused.

"Uhm, uhhh, you see.." Ava nudged (Y/N)'s arm asking for her help.

"AH! Uhhh, so what happened just now was-"

"I would like for (Y/N)'s hand in marriage"
"I would like for Ava's hand in marriage" Pierce and Noi both blurted out, shocking the two girls.

"E-EHH?? WH-"

"Silence, Noi. I'm marrying the princesses!" Asch exclaimed.

"Nah, (Y/N)'s mine!" Leif grabbed her, pulling her to his chest.

"Awww, princesses! Yes, go, fight for your girls," Devon cheered.


"Devon what are you doing!?" Andrew told him, as he was distracted in fanboying.

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