A New Gaming Buddy!

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Published on: May 25, 2022

Chapter 4

~Rhys POV~

I entered the spell room (bathroom) and contacted Lady Grandma to inform her of the events that happened today and the plans I have made.

She answered my call and started the conversation.

"Well, it's about time you called." Lady Grandma said.

"Forgive me Lady Grandma things-"

"Didn't go according to plan? HAH, what plan actually works when you know nothing about it." She said finishing my sentence.

"I was under the impression the humans here would be like the ones..on Daemos."

"Now tell me...how is Pierce doing? Is he doing alright?" Lady Grandma said changing her tone with a smile on her face.

"You mean Asch." I tried correcting her.

"I said Pierce, is he alright? Those humans better not have done anything to his handsome face." Lady Grandma said.

"I would think you'd be more concerned for your grandchild." I replied.

"Hm? Oh yes, I care about him too I guess." Lady Grandma said.

I sighed and continued.

"Pierce is safe, and so is Asch." I reminded Lady Grandma.

"Lighten up Rhys, you're calling me with a peaceful tone about you and it's obvious everyone is safe."

"Now, we don't have much time. You need to reserve your magic as much as possible, even calling me can drain you." She warned me.

"I assure you that I have more than enough-"

"Enough, let's get on with it." Lady Grandma said interrupting me.

"Yes, we've taken a female sorcerer as well as her accomplice as our prisoners. The plan I have in mind is to assimilate ourselves in their culture and environment."

"Once we learn more about it, I have no doubt we can harness the humans to assist with the magic crisis in our world."

"And Asch hasn't hurt any of them?" Lady Grandma questioned.

"He's attempted, a lot of times, but he's also strangely listening to reason." I replied.

"I don't blame him. He has more pressure for this journey to be a successful one than anyone else out there."

"You know what will happen if he fails..." Lady Grandma said lowering her tone.

"I'm aware." I told her.

"Rahl has discovered that Asch had gone missing." Lady Grandma informed me as I stood there in shock.

"Asch's brother?! How?"

"I can assure you it's by happenstance. Rahl was outside of Asch's room seven days ago demanding to see him." Lady Grandma said.

"Seven days ago? But the sun has only set once here!" I told Lady Grandma.

"Really now? It seems other worlds seem to operate differently."

"Indeed, observe this Lady Grandma."

I approached the chamber-like object and pressed the handle several times as I heard Lady Grandma gasp.

"A monster!"

"No, far from it. It seems to be a chamber for mixing spells." I told her.

"Mixing spells? Then why does it roar like a monster!?" Lady Grandma exclaimed.

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