A Demon's Sweet Weakness

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Published on: June 19, 2022

Chapter 5

~(Y/N) POV~

"Ahhhh, what a day...I played with Jay today, I taught a Daemos guy how to play games, but it was fun overall." I sighed plopping my body on my bed.

"Hmm, I wonder how mom is doing." I grabbed my phone and went to Messages.

I contacted my mom first to see if she was busy.


"Hi Mom, good evening...how are you?"

She didn't reply so it seemed that she was busy. I sighed and put down my phone next to me.

Moments later I heard a notification from my phone. I got up and picked up the phone to see a message from my mom. I opened it and it said:


"Hi Mom, good evening...how are you?

"Hi dear, sorry if I replied late. I'm busy at the moment."

"Oh, sorry... Take care then, I love you."

"I love you too, take care as well."

After she replied, I placed my phone on the small drawer by my side and turned off the lights.

"I hope she's doing alright...well good night I guess."

~3 hours later~

Three hours have passed and my eyes were still wide open. I didn't know what to do.

"Oh my God can't I just have one good sleep for once?" I sighed.

Should I go on a night stroll or just stare at the stars?.."

I made my choice and decided to get out of my room and go to the balcony.

I tiptoed to the balcony and sat on a chair.

I looked up to observe the bright stars filling the dark night sky. Although I was tired, I loved looking at the stars every night when I can't sleep. It makes me feel relaxed and refreshed while the cold breeze touches my face.

I suddenly felt someone behind me. I looked at my back to see Pierce that made me a little startled.

"O-Oh! Hey there." I waved talking softly to him.

He sat on the chair beside me instead of replying. It was complete silence after that. We were both looking up at the stars as they twinkled in the night sky. I then decided to try and start a conversation.

"You...couldn't go to sleep?" I turned to him

"Yes." He answered.

"Did I disturb you? I'm sorry if I did hehe..." I apologized rubbing the back of my neck.

"You didn't disturb me." He turned to me.

"Ah, alright then." I responded.

"The sky is beautiful, isn't it?" I turned to look at the sky as he nodded in response.

I closed my eyes as I felt the cold breeze touch my face. I opened my eyes again seeing Pierce do the same thing. I giggled and figured that he was enjoying the breeze.

I stood up from my chair, approached him and pat his shoulder twice.

"Come on, let's go inside." He stood up and followed me inside. I closed the sliding door balcony and whispered to him.

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