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Published on: August 7, 2023

Chapter 16:

~Third Person POV~

Leif was seen to be teleporting from one place to another. He checked everywhere to see if anyone was around or near Ava and Pierce's setting, as if something was about to commence.

He looked left and right, inside and out, and found no one in sight. He smirked,  entering the room where he found Pierce asleep and as well as Ava.

He slowly took out his weapons, teleported to Ava and was ready to strike.

"After all these days, I've finally found the chance!" He grinned, scoffing at her sleeping figure. "You have served us well, Av-"

Just before he slashed her neck, Pierce awoke and blocked his attack with his sword.

"Well, well, well, just in time!" Leif let out a short laugh. "Still putting up a fight about this I see?"

"I'm following orders. We aren't to kill her until we learn more about humans," Pierce responded, bluntly.

The words "orders" annoyed and triggered the assassin. He has had enough of following these rules and keeping his cool, for he hasn't killed anyone in days, which made him feel unusual and uncomfortable. It's his job and hobby after all.

Leif only shook his head and sighed. "Pierce, Pierce, Pierce. Don't tell me that you aren't thinking of killing her too."

Leif scoffed, dragging his weapon down and stepping up from the spell pool with that menacing grin of his.

"How long are you gonna keep this up?"

"As long as I need. Especially when your intentions aren't clear," Pierce stood firm in his stance, his sword now facing Leif.

"Please, my intentions are simple! I do what I feel like doing; either I make them mine, or I simply..kill them."

He continues to fidget with his weapon, turning them around between each of his fingers.

"Sometimes I can't pick out of the two, tonight I felt like killing her," He caught his weapon and held it firm, spread his arms and concluded, "simple!"

"A life and death that simple for you?" Pierce's voice grew stricter, only for Leif to laugh.

"Why are you asking such stupid questions? I said it before, and I'll say it again. E-urth has changed us whether we'd want to admit it or not. I can't quite put my finger on why it happened.."

Pierce went silent. He knew all along that things have changed, abruptly. He was afraid things wouldn't go as planned as well and wanted to get this mission as fast as possible.

He felt tempted, Leif's words only making it worse. He knew what was right but can't seem to restrain from the idea of getting everything over with with the fastest solution possible, killing them.

He slowly put down his weapon and gave in to his temptations.

"Kill her."

Leif stood there, confused. "Huh?" He cocked a brow.

"I'm allowing you to do it..go."


Pierce paused. "Yes."

Leif's snicker turned into a sinister laugh.
"HAHAHA! AAALRIGHT!" He cheered and quickly teleported to Ava.

He raised his weapon, putting on a psychotic grin when he suddenly felt something wasn't right with Ava.

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