You Have A What?!

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Published on: August 29, 2022

Chapter 9

~Third Person POV~

"No doubt, that's absolutely Ava," His female campaign manager presented a picture of Ava's selfie that was posted online recently.

"I thought you said your daughter didn't have any social media?" His male campaign manager turned to Andrew.

"She didn't," Andrew said, unaware of this.

"I don't think Ava having social media presence will prompt your campaign, but I brought this to your attention because I got concerned about something my daughter saw..." She scrolled to another picture and presented it to Andrew.

His eyes widened to see a picture of (Y/N) tidying a man's outfit. He had horns and unusual clothing on. Perhaps for cosplay?

"Is that, (Y/N)?" He thought. He never really knew she came back here.

"It appears so," She nodded.

"Are they both alright?!" He became alert.

"My daughter mentioned she found Ava's account because she saw a picture of a hot guy wearing horns, as shown in the post. She clicked it and it brought her to her account,"

"I originally passed this off as a Photoshop or something but that background..."

"It's...Ava's apartment," Andrew confirmed, he put his hand on his chin.

"Maybe they had friends and they photoshopped the picture and made her an account?" The male manager assumed.

"No, this caption is definitely Ava," Andrew sighed.

"I can tell she has been spending too much time on the Internet."

"I just thought I should bring this to your attention. Now, let's talk about what we need to do next for-"

"I'm taking the remainder of the day off," Andrew said, shocking both of his managers.



Their eyes widened in sync.

"Yeah, I need a break. Besides, most of the work is squared away for the day, in fact, let's all take off and have a fresh start tomorrow."

"Thank you, Sir!" The male manager quite shed tears of joy.

"But, what about your campaign?..." The female manager said, worried.

"One half day isn't going to kill us. Now, please allow me to have a moment," He encouraged.

"Yes, Sir!" They both followed but before they left the room the male manager questioned,

"Sir, question?"


"Should I inform this to (Y/N)'s mother as well?"

Andrew thought for a moment and decided that she could take a break as well. Although she was a busy woman, at least a drop-by visit wouldn't hurt, right?"

"Yes, please do, I'll come with you, right after this call," He nodded.

The male manager waited for him outside the office.

Moments after, they went off to (Y/N)'s mother, Clariss' office with Andrew.

He knocked on her door and she allowed both of them to enter.

"Greetings," Andrew said, receiving a slight nod from her.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"I'm fine as usual, how about you?"

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