Battle of Mu(air battle)

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Mu,May 22 1642

On this day,over 307 000 planes would begin a 141 day long battle over Mu,the goal of both parties? one to force the other to summit to their rule while the other is survival,the main area was the entire right side of the Continent,because most of Mu's 214 million people lived on the right side

it was 87 500 Gra Valkas Planes,42 500 fighters,25 000 dive bombers and 20 000 Bombers,all those pilots had years of experience under there belts,countering them was 219 500 planes of the world union alliance,48 000 Russians(13 000 Il-10,25 000 Yak-3 and 10 000 Tu-4),58 500 Mu's(38 500 fighters(I-15) and 20 000 bombers(TB-3 but Biplane) and 113 000 H.M.E planes(63 000 Beta-2,40 000 Alpha-3 and 10 000 Charlie-1(300KM/H(outdated))

The battle began when the 1st Gra Valkas air fleet of 1100 fighters launched an attack on the main H.M.E base of 4500 planes,in that battle alone the H.M.E lost 3856 planes while the G.V.E lost only 98 planes,it was a disaster for the H.M.E,the next 59 days over the skies of eastern Mu were of bitter air battles over most bases,since most Russian bases were in the west they got lucky to not be hit by raids,by day 60 the H.M.E lost 36 480 planes to the Gra Valkan 2802 lost,Mu lost 10 850 planes.But finally after 60 days the Russians would enter the battle and that will change everything.

Russian air base 4,July 21 1642

''All right listen up! today is a important day in our history''said a officer''we will hit the Gra Valkas air force hard today,after 59 days they assume the H.M.E and Mu will collapse,so today they will send from what our spies have said 7500 planes total to hit them and will this air war''

After pointing to a map and continued

''That is why today we will hit them with 8500 Yak-3 from all directions,our goal is to turn this into a battle of attrition and force them to back off,from what we know is that 88% of all their planes are here,so if we killed a large margin then we will have air power supreme''said the officer''we will hit them hard and we will win! Ura!''

''URA!''shouted the pilots as they went to their planes

In the skies of Mu

the 7500 Gra Valkan planes(2500 fighters,2500 Dive-bombers,2500 bombers) were flying in close formation,over the past 60 days they hounded the enemy and destroyed many of their planes,their pilots were on edge,today was the day they will break the enemy

In one fighter,was Hoko,he had been a pilot for 7 years and took down over 50 enemies,he was a ace that never felt fear.

''i wonder how many kills we'll get this time''Hoko said to his squadron

''You? 5 just like last week when you took 3 beta and 2 alphas down''said one of his wing man

''Haha...this time i'll try for 8!''he said

Just then someone shouted in the comms''bogeys! shit it's over 8000!''

Hoko was surprised,has the enemy gone so desperate they sent every plane they had left?

''More to kill! let's go!''said Hoko

But he noticed something strange about the enemy,first was they were mechanical like his,they only had 1 wing and their speed was equal if not more than his! who the hell were this enemy?


suddenly a bomber about 2.5km from him exploded in a fireball,and from the top multiple planes had punch into their defenses,and many more had showed up from every direction...wait did they knew they were coming? How! the empire should have the best spy network and encryption codes!

Just then a plane shot one of his friends down 

''no matter i will end you all!''he said as he began to battle

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