Operation Bragation(4)

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Castle Albion, Runepolis, Holy Mirishial Empire,June 7th 1644

National Defense Minister Agra began explaining to Emperor Mirishial.

"I'll talk about the matter we brought up awhile ago in detail. The forces of the Russian Empire have retaken the kingdom of Hinomawari,commenced the bombings of the Gra Valkan bases, garrisons and industrial complexes throughout Leiforia,destroying much of the enemy's airpower before they even left the ground.But have made no plans to launch a offensive as of yet. Furthermore, they have also destroyed the Gra Valkan aircraft carrier task force loitering in the seas west of Leifor.Russia has informed us that with these developments, they have virtually secured air supremacy over the skies of the Mu continent."

When the Holy Mirishial Empire attempted to do the same thing, investing what national power they could muster to the fullest extent, they ended up producing unholy levels of casualties, and yet the Gra Valkan hold was hardly dented.

Emperor Mirishial asked him.

"So they clearly surpass the combined might of the Second Civilization Area...Any reports on their casualty figures?"

"Only reports states less than 2500 dead."

"Russia has taken center stage.That very much is certain.And yet they still refuse to make so bold claims based on the results of their success..."

A smile appeared on Emperor Mirishial's face.

"Hmph... Powerfully strong, as expected. So, what's next for Russia?"

"Ah, yes. After telling us that they're proceeding with the second part of the operation,they've asked us if we could "blockade the seas around Leifor"."

They've already virtually achieved air supremacy over Leifor. However, air supremacy alone doesn't get armies to surrender.To truly weaken them,a stranglehold must be placed on them. In other words,in addition to thoroughly bombing their military installations,they will have to completely cut off their supply lines from the Gra Valkan mainland. To do that, they must effectively blockade Leifor.

"Aren't there still enemy naval forces in and around Irnetia? Are they saying that they'll let us take care of them too?"

Assuming that there were other things they'd like to entrust to the empire, Emperor Mirishial started thinking of sending a powerful fleet.

"Leaving the problem of air supremacy over the seas to the west to Russia,they could support whatever fleet we send and they'd be able to eliminate any enemies in the area. Since they only asked us to blockade Leifor,I checked with them if that was really the case and it appears that they're just making sure we don't push ourselves."

"Heh. They're being considerate? Are they perhaps taking us too lightly?"

"When they told us they were sending over a fleet, we told them that we are in the midst of preparations for sending our own."

"Are there any other hands we could play?"

"Ah, yes! We absolutely have to show to the world that the empire can respond with speed! We originally doubted Russia's strength and by assuming that they'd get wiped out,we only sent a small force,but now we know better about their capabilities and how superior they really are against the Gra Valkans.With that in mind,we already have our best-skilled combined fleet,one that can actually best the Gra Valkans,already waiting off the northern coast of the Mu continent! We'll get them moving as soon as Russia gives the word."

Agra continued.

"Regarding its scale, we envisioned that they will be out at sea for a long period of time,which will require them taking shifts,meaning that the deployment of a large fleet isn't realistic.Since there's also the fact that a Gra Valkan aircraft carrier task force still exists in Irnetia,we'd need air power, although we can't just leave it all to Russia.With that said,we will position a fleet of 5 magic battleships,5 heavy cruisers,6 magical gunboats,5 light craft,2 aircraft carriers and 3 support ships, a total of 26 ships, off the coast of Leiforia, the capital of Leifor."

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