Operation Bragation(2)

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(A/N:leifor has Russian names for many cities,because Russia named it after their own(this was made to help the soldiers remember the names better))

Gra Valkas-Mu front line,18 days prior to Operation Bragation,June 6th 1644

In the middle of the Night and under close guard,a new tank regiment arrived at a train station near the border with Leifor,Alongside the T-44s,some very heavy,Bulky objects covered in tarps were unloaded from the flat beds wagons.The IRA's plans in leifor were top secret.These objects would remain a mystery for several days,until they were unveiled on the training ground.

they were heavy metal rollers,which were attached to the front of the T-44.This made the tanks into a formidable minesweeper.the rollers would detonate any mine in it's path.Clearing a safe path for the infantry and other vehicles to follow.

4 regiments of these engineer tanks,had been secretly deployed to the 1st Leiforian front.Clearly the front commander,Marshal Rokossovsky,was planning some sort of offensive.But to any onlookers,Russian forces in Mu seemed only to be making defensive preparations.From the air,only movements away from the front lines could be detected.Everything was being done to give the impression that this sector was being weakened,and that a Russian offensive was being prepared somewhere else.

On the 6th of june 1644,the day Hinomawari was liberated,Tsar Nicholas wrote to Mu:''The summer offensive of the Russian forces,as was agreed in the past,will begin in mid-june,At one of the vital sectors of the front''

Which vital sector was not even to be shared with the allies heads of government,In the Mu Continent,the Gra Valkans were now firmly on the defensive in June 1644,as they struggled to fend off Muish attacks in Sonal,army group north was retreating from the border to the Irnetia line,army group south gad given up much of Hinomawari.Only army group center seemed to be hanging on

Gra Valkan positions on this front formed the so called ''Leiforian balcony''.Here army group center stood firm,over the winter,it had barely repulsed 2 Russians offensives around vitebsk and orsha.Gra Gralux and the Gra Valkan high command had much to consider as summer approached.They had no firm intelligence on when or where the Russian Offensive would be launched.the Gra Valkans decided that Russia would seek to Capitalize on their recent gains in Hinomawari.

They had brought the Imperial Russian Army to within striking distance of Leiforia and it's oil feilds.So in the summer of 1644,Precious Gra Valkan reserves of tanks and aircrafts were sent south.When the Russian Stavka high command saw Gra Valkan reinforcements moving to Hinomawari,It confirmed their decision to launch a surprise attack in the center

Here,the Imperial army would be given the chance to finally crush the 5 million strong force that still held on to any semblance of power.The Operation was codenamed:bragation.The Stavka planned a series of assaults against the flanks of army group center.Which would be encircled and destroyed near the cities of Vitebsk and bobruisk.Then the IRA would advance on minsk, cutting off the Gra Valkan retreat.The Russians planned nothing less than the total destruction of Gra Valkan army group center.

The Russian army had never set itself such a massive and ambitious goal.Marshal Rokossovsky proposed that his first Leiforian front deliver 2 simultaneous thrusts against the Gra Valkan right flank,each thrusts would be given equal priority.This contradicted standard Russian military doctrine,which dictated that there be a single main axis of advance,with all other attacks acting in a supporting role.

In May 1644,Rokossovsky was summoned for a meeting of the stavka to defend his proposal.It was a dramatic scene,in which his plan to deliver 2 simultaneous thrusts came in for much criticism,later in a letter to his wife he wrote''I was twice sent into the next room to think over the supreme command's comments.and each time i came back i was yet more insistent i was correct.''

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