Gra Cabel's Determination

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Sitting in a cold,bland room lined with comfortable chairs was one man.The Crown Prince of the Gra Valkas Empire, Gra Cabal,sat clutching his head as he was troubled by recent events. Ever since he came to Russia,he understood some things.The first thing he understood was that they were outmatched in every single field of technology.It was exceedingly reasonable that he couldn't be idealistic regarding the empire anymore,although in some areas,there's reason to be idealistic.

On the tech front,their disparity was borderline hopeless that even a full-scale war on the empire's side wouldn't be enough to secure victory.However,at the time,it was still unknown how much this tech disparity would affect real combat and just as he was playing it out in his mind, the empire and Russia clashed in a large-scale battle.The result was sufficiently miserable and despite the empire investing a sizeable chunk of its naval might, it wasn't even able to scorch Russia's ''Motherland'',let alone get close,as the invasion force that was sent suffered so much fatalities that rebuilding it back to even a portion of its original strength would take a considerable amount of time.Losing 1800 ships no matter who it is,would be akin to total collapse of one's war effort.


The more he thought of it the more his head felt like bursting. With a loud kerchak, the door opened and in came a man wearing a suit.

"We're ready to receive you. Right this way, please."

He walked down the hallway as guided. This may just be the meeting that could decide the empire's fate. A pressure with unprecedented weight bore down on Cabal's shoulders. Finally, they reached a room with a door that said 'Small Conference Room'. Inside the room were 4 men,3 who looked to be younger than 35 and one old man with only 1 eye in his late 70s.The meeting finally started.

"So... What is it that you need, Your Highness?"

Alexander from Foreign Affairs asks Cabal.

"Due to unfortunate disagreements,my nation and yours are currently in a state of war. I've come here to be blunt: why don't we talk about making peace?"

Several questions arose in Alexander's mind such as whether Cabal had the power to do so or even if he did, to what degree will the empire agree to his perspective? Shaving these questions aside, he wanted to try and talk more to gain answers.While the Old man raised a eyebrow.

"Hmm... Peace, huh? What terms do you have in mind?"

"The empire has declared war on the world.I say to exclude only the country of Russia from this declaration.With this,I promise that your country will be released from the threat of destruction as well as a guarantee of co-prosperity through trade with the empire."

Alexander let out a sigh.

"Do you have any intention of pulling all imperial forces back from the Mu continent?"

"Emmigration and settlement into Leifor have already begun.It will be difficult to considerably curb the rights of our citizens.Aren't you already satisfied with sparing Russia from further attacks? Since your nation is also transferred,you must have already understood this fact but as you may have noticed,the level of civilization of the inhabitants of this world is pitiful. Won't it be best for the both of us to place these natives under our rule and split the control of this world between our nations? Originally,it is only under a single unifying force could peace be ultimately achieved but splitting it into two forces, particularly two allied forces, war would still be annihilated from this world.To achieve peace,one must strive for control through armed force.By enlightening them through rule by far more advanced civilizations,we can let these nations and their people experience some of that civilized culture so we can all live happily. Looking at how Russia handled Parpaldia and Lauria, it is apparent that your country knows how to rule other countries.If our two nations join forces, nothing can stop us!"

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