Side Chapter 7:Zhukov:The Commando Marshal

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Zhukov's headquarters,near Valkyries base,August 19 1643

Since the collapse of the 6th army,Zhukov had to deal with little raids on his supplies convoys near Valkyries Base,Renamed to Vasily's Base for the man who took it,but most times they were beaten back with little loses

Today was not so lucky,a truck carrying the most important cargo in the enitre world had been seized and was about 25km behind enemy lines:1000 Bottles of Coca-cola,When Zhukov learned of this lost,he flew into a silent rage.

He LOVED the drink,more than any man alive,and finding out that precious thing was stolen from him made him bitter and angry.Just then,3 star general Batov came in,He was scared he might be attacked by Zhukov for not having the drink.

''...Zhukov,we found it it 25km south from us,we can send a brigade to take it Ju-''as Batov was about to finish Zhukov cut him off

''No,I will get it back myself,gather 500 soldiers for me''he said as he got up and took his pistol

''Excuse me? You want to go 25km into enemy land,steal back your drink,and come back here,That is suicide!''said Batov

''No it won't this will be fun,come on! Adventure awaits us!''Zhukov said in a tone of ''serious but not''

''God...what is going on today''Grumbled Batov


500 men were formed up on horseback armed with their rifles and the 23mm anti-tank rifles with them.All were confused as to why they were formed up.Then Zhukov on his Horse

(imagine horse is white)

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(imagine horse is white)

''Men! as you know my drink,Coca-cola was stolen from me,and i know where it is! 25km deep into the enemy rear is a small base,we are to ride their and take my drink back,we shall burn said base to the ground,We ride at dawn! URA!''yelled Zhukov as he rode the the frontline

The 500 horseman quickly followed suit,The idea of a raid on the enemy led by their marshal,made many euphoric at the idea of glory.The group rode all day across a valley that the Russians had but had to ensure that The Gra Valkas didn't know they had

At noon they arrived near the base,Zhukov and his men got off their horses and began to make camp.One of the men,Gregory,walked to the Marshal and began to speak

''Marshal,with all due respect,this is suicide,they have 1000 men with at least 10 tanks,and at least pieces of artillery,we are 500 men on horseback,how are we to win?''asked Gregory

''It's simply.we ride in and win''said Zhukov in a determined voice

Silence,no one dared speak or go against his word,and so plans were now in the making of Zhukov's raid.

Gra Valkas Base,9PM

Since the fall of the Valkyries base 3 weeks ago multiples new bases were made,this base was to attack the Russian supplies,and yesterday they seized what looked like 1000 bottles of soda,in other words a failure. 

Commander Toko was not happy,in 12 raids so far.This was the only time they got something,he looked at his base,it was small but it had it uses,the 1000 men were proud members of the Empire,they would not be beaten


Just then his 10 tanks Blew up and fires were all that remained.The Entire base was in a panic

''Wh-What Is Russia Attacking?!''shouted Toko.

And if by being called upon 400 horsemen appear and began to fire their guns at his men,killing many of them almost instantly,he also saw one man stand out,his white horse,medals galore and the aura of power gave him the idea this man was who to kill.

Picking up his pistol he fired 3 shots at the man,but neither round hit him.He then ran to the radio station to inform the he was under attack,But the man he fired upon rode for him,jumping into flames and emerging like a devil.Soon the man jumped off and ran for Toko.

A fight soon began with the 2 men,Toko belived he would win as he was big,6 feet tall and nearly 200 pounds,but then the man calmly walk up to him and before he could give a punch,he got one in right into hid neck

''ack!''he said falling to the ground''Y-you bastard''

another man soon arrived and saluted the man

''Marshal Zhukov,the base is in our hands,we lost 18 men and they lost 474 men,526 have been taken prisoner,where do you think is the Coca-cola?''he said

Marshal...A MARSHAL!? came for his base,attacked it,took it and bested him in a fight! This is something out of legend

The Marshal then turned towards Toko and with a serious face simply asked

''Where did you put My drink''

Toko remained silent

''...I'll ask once more,Where is my drink?''Zhukov asked taking out his gun

''Like i'll tell a savage lik-''Toko was cut off by a single bullet to his head,Zhukov killed him before he could finish

''Let's search the base,and bury the fallen of both sides,they might be the enemy but they fought well''said Zhukov as he began to walk around

''Yes sir!''saluted the soldier as he ran away to carry his duty

for the next 2 hours they looked around  the base and soon in the supply room was found

''Holy Moly...Zhukov you might want to see this''shouted one soldier

''What is it?...By the Grace of Fucking Jesus...The hell are they doing to these people''said Zhukov

Inside the room besides the bottles of coca-cola were dozens of skulls,some looked no older than 10,gold,teeth all around the room,it looked like they were killed here to

''...Find what the hell happen here''said Zhukov''and get the bottles to the horses''

''No need to find what happen,It says right here in a order from the Politicians,I don't understand all the fancy words,but i do know one pharse:The final Solution of the inferior races''said the soldier

''They want to kill the entire world? That's messed up''said Zhukov,his blood boiling

''No sir,it reads to kill all nations that resist their rule in the 2nd zone to be killed,But yes it really brutal''said the soldier

''...Kill all the captured and burn this to the ground''said Zhukov

''...Understood''said the troops

As Zhukov was left alone in the room sounds of gunshots and pleads of mercy were heard,Alone in the Room,for the only time since he was born,Zhukov wept,How could such a nation order the deaths of over 500 million people on a dime? He knew Russia had killed millions in their conquest before,but in those days it was not mass slaughter,it was done over centuries,not years.

After getting the bottles back they rode back to base and no one knew what had happened

Vasily's base,3AM

Batov was worried,it was over 8 hours since Zhukov went on his raid,was he dead? no of course not he is Marshal Zhukov he won't die!

Just then the horses came into view of their lights,but something was off,as Batov went to see them,not one was happy,they looked like they saw hell.

''Jesus,Zhukov what happen at the raid?''asked Batov

''...They plan to kill everyone in the 2nd zone Batov...We must inform the Tsar''said Zhukov as he walked to his tent

''...Genocide?...Why?''said Batov,his spirit crushed

Batov did not get his answer,Instead Zhukov only telephoned the Tsar and informed them of their plans.Once it was made Public in Russia and her allies,the war effort surged to new heights. For the imperial Russian Army,it made them see only one goal:the annihilation of their forces, and should they go to hell for this they shall do that

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