Clash of Will against the Gra Valkas Navy

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"Enemy torpedo is heading straight for us!"

A report resonates across the bridge like a scream.Cruising through the ocean at an estimated 30 knots, the enemy torpedo was heading straight for their ship.The battleship Quasar had already been conducting evasive maneuvers,but the enemy torpedo was to close,they would not dodge it. With the sun having already set, the smoke emanating from the direct hits of the Torpedoes rose from various parts of the fleet, darkening their surroundings.

They've set their sights on me!

The chilling breath of death as it loomed behind him, breathing down his neck.

Commander of the 2nd Advance Fleet, Aurones, couldn't control his hands from trembling.

"Is... is this really it for me?!"

An unrecognizable dread wells up from the depths of his heart. Ever since he was appointed as an officer, he was ready to die for the sake of the empire. However, the empire was powerful. Even the possibility of death affected only an excruciatingly few imperial soldiers and being an imperial officer meant that death was never something he was supposed to welcome on his door. However, with the introduction of overwhelming enemy weapons and the bitter taste of reality before him,he felt that death had now come for him as he shook in fear of the truth that was far from what he had imagined.

I don't want to die!

He wanted to scream.

However, his position as commander didn't allow him to give in. He pressed himself and restrained his voice.The enemy torpedo rapidly neared the ship,giving him no time to think clearly.

"It's no use! We can't avoid it!"

One of the lookouts screamed.

"Everyone, hold on to something!"

"Dear gods!"

Various screams echoed across the bridge.

Moments later, the sharp sound of erupting steel was heard. After a slight delay, an ear-piercing deep sound reverberated across the ship and across the ocean.The battleship Quasar shook violently from the hit.A massive column of water erupted from the starboard side of the ship, throwing volumes of water up in the air which drizzled on the ship.

"Starboard side hit!"

"Damage report!"

"A massive hole was reported on the starboard side! We can't stop the flooding!"

A terrific amount of seawater rushed into the interior of the ship, causing it to gradually list.

"Commencing flooding of the port side!"

As the ship's balance faltered from the high volume of flooding on the starboard side, the ship listed towards the right. They were attempting to try to preserve the ship's balance by flooding the port side. However, the ship's list slowly returned.

"We've reached the limit for the flooding of the port side! It's no good! We can't stop the flooding on the starboard side!"


The hole that was opened up by the enemy torpedo on the starboard side was far too massive that even simple repairs won't do. With the compartment doors destroyed altogether, seawater continued to flood the interior. The damage brought about by the flooding had already surpassed the Quasar's damage control, causing it to list further to the right.

"Tsk! It was only a single hit! Are the enemy torpedoes far more powerful than ours?!"

The torpedo's speed and range were all game-breaking,unfair characteristics.Those alone made the enemy's torpedoes terrifying but their damaging capabilities were also far from expectations.

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