Thoughts.. *1*

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Authors note:

I wanted to say that i update all my fics reallyyyy slowly so dont expect much from me ok? Also i hate c!magic so dont expect her to be the center of attention in this, i will try to avoid writing abt her, no offence .


Krow POV:

Today is  just another boring, quiet and useless day ,I mean, i understand why we aren't going into the maze anymore , i guess, but now there's nothing to do.  It also smells weird in there. The only thing that i can do now is throw knifes or talk to people, and a lot of the people here suck . They're all too sad , or stupid , or i hate them , or all 3 ,kyle, ahem. I guess i could also do some farming but that's pretty boring.  So, i did the best , and most obvious , answer. I went to go throw knifes. It didnt take too long to get to the archery range and I started to throw some knifes at the targets, even though Owen made it I still go there. And i took a bow out too. I mean, there's not much else to do , i could go look for Guts but they just disappeared apparently . I could also ask Owen for a bit more info about it but Im not too sure if  i should push it ,which is a first.  Guts better come back and give me their share of their meat, or just do their part of the deal . Cuz if they don't I will go and haunt them.

Honestly, this place kinda now reminds me of when acho, magic and pig face came over to lecture me , or simply put , annoyed the shit outta me. Its not their responsibility to help me forgive someone i wont forgive. WHO THE HELL FORGIVES SOMEONE WHO LOCKS THEM IN PRISION  WITHOUT EVEN TALKING TO THEM ABOUT IT?! IT SURE AS HELL IS.NOT.ME. Im not magic or gracie who forgives anyone for anything after they apologize. Because that apology could be fake, or that apology does nothing to help what they did to that person. Its just an apology, just meaningless words. Its why i wont forgive kyle, he's stupid and doesn't understand what the consequences are when he does those things. Acho forgave me , this has nothing to do with kyle , so he needs to get his head out of people's business. He doesn't own acho or speak for him, and cant decide what's for best for everyone in this gods for saken clearing. Not for me , not acho , not ayngel , not owen ,not anyone , because he doesnt even know whats the best course of action for himself. That's why he shouldn't be a leader and doesn't deserve to be forgiven.

Maybe I should go list the flaws everyone has in this clearing, maybe i should kill kyle , maybe I should look in front of me because Owens there.


Wait what.

And Owen Is actually standing infront of me. Wtf. Why is here here, i don't want him here , he built this though ,but I don't really care ,so, i should go talk to him , he's right infront of me, I should talk ,but i dont want to, ima talk.

  "Uhhhhhh, hi Owennn. What're ya doin here???" That was a dumb thing to say, He built this and is an archer...He's also probably dangerous , he was being weird....I should go collect my knifes.

"I don't know, what do you think Krow?....... Anyways, I just wanted to ask you something." He mumbled something incoherent somewhere along the way.....Owen, just. hurry .it. up.

"What." I decided to somewhat voice my thoughts.

"I was just wondering if you attend those bonfire/campfire nights?" That's... a weird thing to ask, especially to me.

"Sometimes I guess.. Why do you wanna know?" I've never really liked Owen so i don't think i mind at all if he hates me. He did call me .... uh..... Twisted I believe it was??? I don't remember, but i don't think he's ever really liked me . Honestly, the feelings are mutual so i don't mind being rude. I'm a bit on edge anyway, give me a break.

" I suppose I was just curious , magic brought it up so I wanted to check with you if that was true. I know you aren't really the friendliest  ,at least, since the last time we spoke, so I didn't think you actually went to those really." Why did I even ask... god dammit magic just be quiet.

"Well, you got your answer, can you leave now?" I don't care if Owen actually wants to use the archery range, I'm a bit occupied here. I saw Owen glance at the knifes on the targets.

"Sure Krow, I'll see you around ok?" Haha, no. And with that he turned around and left, while hiding his scowl as he walked away. Clearly , they were both faking their 'kindness' towards one another.


The interaction with Owen ,honestly, was just weird.  I'm not sure if it was because it was Owen specifically but now I'm just in an annoyed(?) mood ,so, since the sun just setted I decided go back to my house, to do.... something. I collected my knifes then went over to go up the hill to my house, not much of a walk. I might go to sleep but its still pretty early so maybe I could go visit ayngel? Once I got inside I put some stuff into my chests and sat on my bed for a bit. 

Owen kinda ruined my train of thought so i guess i could pick back up on that..? Owen is strange, he said that Guts never showed up not too sure about that. I'm not surprised if Owen was cooking to make a meal for them but what's the point if Guts hadn't shown up? Unless they did? But there's no reason for Owen to lie about something like that, the exception is if something happened. What on earth would be that be for Owen to lie about it? Maybe I'm overthinking but i don't have anything better to do... 

If something happened to Guts Owen wouldn't want to be the person who was the one that last interacted with them. 

That's dumb. Why the fuck would Owen want to do that? It makes no sense and he doesn't even have the guts to do it. Its pretty pointless thinking about these things really. Guts is probably just out and about and Owen said that they didn't come over... then again, Owens words mean nothing to me. He was curious if I went to those campfire nights and I don't think he just wanted to see if that were true. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but i do think he had ulterior motives....

Jeez krow..... I should just go to bed, its best not to think about it.


Authors note:

I just wrote this since i was bored but i hope someone likes this ^-^

I honestly dont know what im going to do for this fic though, im really just gonna wing it.

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