Potions.. *3*

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Authors note:

Hope you enjoy this chapter! I've actually gotten an idea on what should happen in this now and I'm super excited for it actually :D There's 2 different possibilities for how this will end but I like both the ideas! Hope you enjoy this chapter <3


Krows POV:

After me and ayngel talked I actually felt a bit refreshed, sure, I lied about me not knowing what I was making but oh well, a little lying never hurt anyone. I didn't want her to be concerned or anything anyway, too much of a hassle to deal with her being emotional...Its fine though. I asked soup for some stuff to make me maybe stop hallucinating things but she's been busy with Graecie (like I said before) so she just gave me the recipe for it and all the ingredients needed, said i have more freedom this way anyway. Which is true, I don't really mind tho, Its a nice distraction. 

Once I finished making the potion I hid it away since I didn't want to drink it around ayngel, in case it went wrong or something... 

I took out the bottle.

Hopefully it'll be fine though, Soup did say she hasn't messed around with this kind of stuff yet but I trust her. She's smart, If anyone here could make something like this it would be her!

 And with that, I pulled of the cork of the potion and drank it.

It just kinda tasted of nothing so that's fine I guess. I'll probably be fine, so after I drank it all I put the bottle away into one of my cabinets, then went outside, and wow it was bright.

I really hope that no-one bothers me though, Cant be bothered to deal with that... I walked down the hill and looked around. There wasn't really anyone in the area so I just decided to wonder around for a bit. It has been pretty quiet, I haven't really seen anyone like... magic or Bek, Kyle or acho or guts....  I was thinking about Guts the other day wasn't I?  It's pretty strange actually, how Owen acted... Owen clearly knows something but I don't really know what and he wont just tell me... Guts could just be sleeping but they haven't done their part of their deal and Im not sure if they would just do something like that. 

Maybe I should go check out their house? I looked out into the distance and squinted my eyes to look in front of me.... I spotted Kyle and immediately turned around to walk in the other direction, no thank you. I don't want to be bothered by his fake ass again. So with that, I speed-walked over towards Guts' house, I was thinking about going over there anyway so I suppose this works for me.

As I walked past the maze entrance I looked in for a moment and saw.... Owen? I stopped abruptedly and peered over the wall to see him rushing into the maze with something in his hands. Yep, somethings definitely up. He quite clearly stated he didn't want to go in so what changed his mind? I glanced over at his house. He put all his gear under the campfire grounds but.... Owen definitely had it on him.. was he just lying? So that only he had control over the maze? That way he could decide who escaped the maze and who didn't if he found an exit.. Or was there a deeper meaning to all this... Maybe he's the reason why Guts hasn't been around...? But that's ....

I sprinted over to his house and quickly threw open the door, maybe I'm being irrational but.. I want answers and god dammit I'm going to get them. Who knows what he's doing?! What if he's actually like a physco or something?! I mean so am I but this isn't about me!

For Gods sake he's lying about something major! How could he not be?! He's just entered the maze so confidently but he's said that it wasn't a good idea and that he wouldn't! I should've followed my instincts straight away when I thought something was up with him.

I know what you did. {outsiders smp- krow centric}Where stories live. Discover now