Yeah, I noticed. *6*

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Authors note:

Sorry this took so long I got sick and lost motivation since I was so tired. ;-;


Krow POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the same terrain as before I fell asleep. Y'know, I cant say I haven't fell asleep in a maze now. I have a bit of a head-ache but I did sleep on stone so there's not a huge surprise there. I stood up and checked my clock, its relatively late in the morning but there's more then enough time for me to go back to the clearing.

I jumped down onto the closest tree to me and made my way down using the vines. Once I was on the ground I quickly realized in which area I was in and made my way back through the jungle. I haven't really explored much of this place since it all practically looks the same. Honestly, I've never really thought about it but no-one's really ventured out in this area too much, at least not that I know of anyway.

Hopefully no-one's near the maze entrance, I don't want to have to wait for them to leave. I walked through the corridors leading out from the jungle and went through the now pretty much memorized route to the clearing. 

'The clearing' is still just filled with apathetic, stupid, naïve assholes, I stand by that, so it feels a bit distasteful to say I 'belong' there. At least Apo is gone now, even if I didn't want it to be Owen of all people to get rid of him. 

I peeked around the corner to see if anyone was near the maze doors. I didn't see anyone so I just ran for it. Luckily, it seems like no-one was actually here. And with that I headed back to my house, there's no use sticking around the entrance.

Once I got into my house I unpacked everything I got from the maze and went to my house, back there was a trapdoor under my bed leading underground. I went down and entered a room. I cant have everything out in the open can I? I've put everything regarding our plans here. It's a pretty small room,it decreases the chance of someone finding it at least.

The room itself is made from spruce and dark oak, Its lit up by lanterns (which hang from the ceiling) and has a few books and signs scattered across the place. There's also a few barrels placed around for storage and a few brewing stands placed on top of them. I got them from soup a while back, I never really thought I'd use them but here I am.

I opened one of the crates and started to unload everything.

I don't think I'll be actually be putting together anything for our plan yet, just gathering supplies. I'm not in a huge rush. I'd think that Owen has a plan that he has to prepare too. Worst case scenario is that Owen kills off Rasbi before our plan is finished but I could easily alter our idea and kill him afterwards. I like to think I'm good at improvising when it comes to these things.

Hopefully because he's old we'll finish before he does, he's really not as slick as he thinks he is. He leaves too many breadcrumbs for others to follow, ultimately, if we fail he'll still take the fall. Although, I wouldn't put it past these idiots to not be able to figure it out. Everyone in this clearing is stupid as fuck.

Anddddddd..... I finished putting the stuff away. So, I quickly jumped back up onto the level floor of my house and hid the trapdoor again. Quite frankly, I don't think anyone will find it considering this clearing is filled with morons. Putting all that stuff away was annoying though, I'll have to go into the maze again some other time as well. If I'm fast I'll only need to go in there once more (maybe twice) and hopefully Rasbi got some shit from there as well.

I left my house to wander around.

Speaking of which, perhaps I should go see her? I saw her the other day but you can never be too careful? Maybe not Rasbi, but I should go see someone. I shouldn't be hiding in my house if someone could be trying to kill me. Even if I'm last on that list I'm sure if Owen gets a good opportunity to kill me he wont let it slide.

I'm just not sure who to visit though, I saw Rasbi and Ayngel the other day so i would preferably not hang out with them. For obvious reasons I'm not going to hang out with Owen, Bek or Kyle and I don't feel like talking to magic or Spidey right now. I could talk to Soup or Acho but Soup's probs busy and Acho's always with Kyle. I'm not going to talk to Ori, he's cryptic as fuck and very annoying.

I whirled around when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Or  I am going to talk to halo boy. Yeah no that's fine, I have absolutely no problem with that. In fact, I was totally looking for him! Jesus Christ, thanks a lot God.

"Do you need something? I'm a very busy demon y'know?" I actually am very busy. Just not right now.

"Can we talk? I understand if you don't want to but we haven't really done so in a while and I-" He sounds just as stupid as the last time we talked. Now, my gut reaction is to say fuck off but I'm pretty sure I talked myself out of hanging out with anyone today so...

"Okay listen here halo boy, I don't really care, Like at all. But lucky for you I'm free right now so I guess we can 'talk'. Just don't start monologuing or whatever because I will leave." I think I surprised him when I said so because he recoiled back slightly... I wonder if his halo can be used as a slingshot.

"Would you like to go to the campfire? I'd imagine you'd prefer to go there then my tree." I actually fucking hate that tree ,yeah, no thanks. I'm not going up there.

"Sure, lead the way mister memory loss." I gestured to him to start walking. And ,to be honest, I made that nickname up on the spot.

"Right.." Ori finally started to head over to the campfire, I trailed from behind. I don't trust halo boy enough to turn my back on him. Who knows, he could be working with Owen...Actually that's a good point-

"Hey Krow why do you dislike me?" That's a straight forward question.

"The same reason why everyone else dislikes you? How is that even a question?" Its pretty obvious he wanted a bit more then that , but I want to have my fun too. 

"Could you elaborate?" Yes, I can. Will I though..? Yeah, probably, I don't wanna stay in awkward silence while with Ori.

"You do stupid monologues or speeches about shit everyone already knows to feel validated or seen by someone, you're a coward, you think you're untouchable, you have a halo and try manipulate how new people see things, also, you apparently have memory loss which I *don't* buy. You clearly have intelligence but you waste it on stupidity instead." 

BAM. And now he is insecure.

"What makes you think I'm lying about memory loss?" Stupid fucking Ori.

"Its way too convenient for you. You go missing for however long then you come back with a suit and memory loss." It seems staged honestly. Too convenient for him.

"I'm surprised you feel so strongly about this. But, this isn't what I wanted to discuss with you anyways." I don't think I care Halo boy..

" Oh? Mister memory loss doesn't want to talk about himself?" I don't think I've actually seen Ori boast about himself at all but he doesn't have to know that.

We reached the campfire.

"Well, I think this is a bit more important then that." Unless it's about how to murder Owen, Bek or Kyle without anyone knowing I don't care.

"And what could this marvelous subject be about?" I don't actually care, I just want him to hurry the fuck up and get on with it.

"I've noticed yours's and Owen's shift in behavior recently. There's not much to do around here so I've just been observing how everyone's doing.."


"If you don't mind be asking, why were you in Owen's house and how did you find Rasbi.. Or, why were you looking for Rasbi? I'm sure if anyone were to actually find them ,it would be you but there would have to have a reason for it. So, what might that be?"

I blinked. Oh..


We are very much fucked.


I love this chapter tbh!! I think there was something important I wanted to say but I don't remember now ._. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed and liked mister memory loss <3

Also, I quite like c!Ori so don't think any of the stuff said is my opinion on him :) Very cool person.

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