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Authors note:

So sorry, this is short ;-;


"Well? If you don't answer I might think you're up to something dangerous." He narrowed his eyes at me.. I think he saw that I flinched when he asked that-

"What obligation am I under for me to have to answer you? Also, who the hell just observes people, quite frankly that makes me think you're up to something dangerous." Sure, I can flip this onto him, it's true anyway. Who does that..?

"You haven't answered me...Although, its true that you have no obligation to answer ,I want to help you. I cant do that if you don't answer me. " I almost laughed. Even if he actually wanted to help I don't think I want it. Working with Ori is laughable, he's so...stupid. I don't think he has anything important to say either way. I simply rolled my eyes.

"What could you do that would benefit me? what was that? huh? Nothing, nothing, nothing and nothing? I thought so. I have no reason to tell you anything. Perhaps you should mind your own business? Just a small suggestion Ori." He has nothing to bring to the table. There's no reason to answer.

"You've become more paranoid. Always checking behind to make sure no-one's there, I think you found something dangerous about someone. And you're probably trying to stop them. I want to help, especially if they're unstable." Not too far off ,but it doesn't effect him.

"This wont be concerning you mister memory loss. Just move along with life. They're not a danger to you." It shouldn't involve him. That might leave breadcrumbs to follow. I don't want that.

"But they're danger to you, and I want to help. They're probably a danger to Rasbi too right? Since you came over to her." I hate halo havers. 

"But they're not a danger to you." That means you should fuck off Ori, by the way.

"But they are to you." That shouldn't matter to you though...

"Not to you though, so it doesn't matter." I love when I'm right.

"So you're admitting there's someone dangerous in this clearing?" I blinked.

"....Noooooooooooo......." I dragged out the 'O' because that TOTALLY doesn't sound suspicious... I really messed up didn't I..

"You ,uh, kind of messed up there.." He chuckled.... AND YES I CAN SEE THAT ORI!

"It's still none of your business. Just fuck off. There's no reason for me to tell you anything."  Please leave me alone halo boy, we don't need you involved.

"Please? Even if you don't tell me now I'll find out sooner or later. Considering that you have a plan Its only a matter of time." That's fine with me as long as you don't freak out over it and tell everyone who did it.

"I don't need your help, its under control." It is under control, we don't need help from a halfie ...or whatever Ayngel called you... 

"Then how come you have scratches on your hands?" I blinked twice and looked at my hands. I....forgot about those. I need to clean them up later.

"It didn't happen because of that person." Its from the maze..

"But its because of what you're planning right?" Ori shut the fuck up.

"You're really bad at convincing people to tell you things.." Get better at life halo boy.

"Okay, how about this, I'll go tell Owen you're planning something right now-"


"That worked quickly." I'm going to punch actually punch you. I've done that before actually.

"Okay, I don't know what you're playing at, but quite frankly telling Owen of all people is a horrible idea." He's a freaking physco..

"Is he that certain dangerous individual then?" I paused...Even If I lie I think he'll probably see through it.

"I'm going to assume I'm correct, could you now please explain what you know about this whole situation?" I groaned.

"Fine, and you better listen realllll closely because I'm not repeating myself." Which is true,

"So,OwenhasGuts'deadbodyisinhisbasementandthere's a 'tokilllist'whichhaseverydemoninthisclearingonit, and I'm pretty sure he's also killed apo but that's not important- he's trying to kill me and Rasbi sowemadeaplantokillhimback, cuz what else can we do without causing a scene-" Ori suddenly interrupted me.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Slow down. Firstly, its okay to ask for help, secondly do you know why he's doing this and lastly, I can help with this, you just have to allow me to." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, firstly I know that, secondly, no I don't know why and finally, i don't care if you can help. You're going to make us leave unnecessary breadcrumbs for people to follow and trace back to us. We're doing just fine." We are doing fine mister memory.

"But its nice to have extra help right? Besides I can still rat you out to the others." That's a low blow right there.

I grit my teeth, "Fine." Ori held his hand out for a handshake.

"Glad to be working with you." He smiled.

"Cant say the same." I slapped away his hand and turned around to leave.

"I'll fill you in later, cya around halo boy." I went to the direction of Rasbi's house. Its best that she's informed as soon as possible about our 'additional team mate'. I sighed, I still need to patch up my hands as well.. Today's going to be a long day...


Sorry I took so long I've been feeling really tired ;-; Also how you like this duo? Their interactions aren't talk abt enough so here we go :) And they're totally gonna fight a bunch, just wait for it.

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