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Authors note:



Krow POV:

I saw Anygel climb down some ladders in her house and rush towards me.

"Hi Krow!! It feels like we haven't talked in forever honestly!!"I smiled slightly.

"Yeah! How've you been? Its been a hot minute." I think it'll be nice to hang around Ayngel, she's easy to talk to. (Though i would rather die than admit that)

" I've been good, kinda busy but in a good way!" I nodded, "How about you? What've you been up to?"

"I've been okay, just keeping to myself...nothings really been going on with me as of late. However, I do know You've been cooking right? I think I saw you making something the other day actually....

I don't mind hearing about what she's been doing, but I'd rather not be truthful about what I've been doing. Telling someone that you've been brewing up some poison? Yeah, bad idea.

"Yeah! If you want, I could make you something?" Now that I think about it, its been a while since I last ate. 

"Sure, what the heck." Ayngel dragged me over to the seating area by her house.

"Mkay! What do you feel like eating right about now? I've been practicing so i have a bunch of different recipes!!" She climbed up the ladder to an upper area of her house as I sat down.

"Eh, just do something with some sort of meat in it." Everything else just tastes wrong for me, no use in cooking something that I hate. Animal meat is bearable.

"Okay! This wont take too long I promise!!" I heard some crates being opened above me as I fidgeted with my sleeves. I decided to survey my surroundings in the meantime, since I'll be here for a while anyway.

Above me a small snowflake-shaped light was hung on a wall illuminating the area around it with a soft glow. I remember Ayngel telling me about how she thought regular lights were just boring in comparison to these. Personally, i think the light it gives off is a bit too bright. 

The oak chair I was sitting in slightly creaked as I shifted to put my arms on the table in front of me. I still don't know why she feels the need to have 4 chairs here, i understand that there's a lot of people in the clearing but why would she have that many people over at her house. The rooms/platforms are pretty small afterall so they wouldn't be able to hang out up there.

I sighed as I heard the familiar sound of a furnace cooking food above me. Its still the morning so she'll probably be making something breakfasty(?). 

I'll need to go visit Rasbi again, and get halo boy informed about our plans, seeing as he wont leave us alone. I also need to see soup and ask for maybe a more effective potion then that last one-

"Okay I've finished!!!" I saw Ayngel come down the ladder carrying two plates.

"I haven't had breakfast yet so I thought we could eat together!" I hummed as she set the two plates down and sat across from me.

"So, I was actually planning on making another platform for my house! Do you have any ideas?"

"Well you could...... "


I waved goodbye to Ayngel and headed towards Rasbi's house. Just talking about nonsense with her was a nice distraction and a good change of pace.

I moved some leaves out of my way as I walked into the forest. Me and Rabsi pretty much have a plan on what we're going to do about Owen. I mainly just have to figure out if what Rasbi did succeeded. 

 Yesterday, we decided that she was going to ask Magic if she could host an event with her, saying that we should celebrate that we're all alive and safe or whatever. Coulda said that she was ready to talk to others again too, so she could pretend she wants to befriend everyone again. She probably agreed, seeing as magic's the kind of person that would do that anyway. I mean, she did host that one event with Graecie didnt she? We both decided that we couldnt trust Ori to do this right, so Rasbi went to go ask her.

Even if she doesn't agree to help, we have some other plans that could work instead. Im not all that worried about this part of the plan. What I'm worried about is if we can successfully kill Owen.

I pushed some more leaves out of my way and arrived at Rasbi's treehouse, hopefully they're home right now. I climbed up the tree and did a quick scan of the area.

"Rasbi? Are you home?" I called out. 

"Yeah im here!" She rounded the corner and walked up to me. 

"Oh good, honestly i wasn't sure if you were home. Anyways, how'd the thing with magic go?" I questioned her. The sooner we can do this the better.

"As expected, she agreed to help set up an event for it. She was all for setting up some fun event. Clearly she hasnt learnt anything at all." Rasbi took a seat at her table and then looked at me.

"Did she say she had any ideas for it? We need to make sure she's the one who's planned out most of this so no-one will suspect us at all." I sat down opposite her.

"Magic said that she wanted to do a similar event to what she and graecie did. Just less water. Said we could do a 'treasure hunt' which would just be us finding presents others gave us around the clearing, and also that we could have another feast since the last one went so poorly."

I sighed, "Well at least this works in our favor. All we need to do is make sure that Owen doesn't set up a trap for us too. As long as he doesnt get informed about the event until the last minute then we should be good to go." 

Rasbi nodded, "By the way, have you finished making that poison? If Magic cooks something for that feast she wants to do, then we could easily frame her." 

I rested my head on my hands, "I'm done with the poison, hopefully Magic decides to cook something. She's made it so easy to frame her, if push comes to shove, then the blame will fall on her. She wouldn't throw you under the bridge, Magic's too selfless, so it's practically fool proof if everything goes to plan."

She hummed, "I dont want to discuss Ori right now, so that should be everything. If you want, I could make some tea and we could hang out?"

"Yeah, sure. It's not like I have anything better to do right now."


So sorry I took so longgg!! I promise Im gonna finish this but I havent really had the time to do thisss ;-; Updates will still be SUPER slow but I am sorry it took so long. I've been really busy with school and Ive been busy on other platforms too. I hope you have a good day/night tho!!

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