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note: I know nothing about plants so probably none of this makes sense but I'm the one writing this so what I say goes <3

(Also super sorry for taking so long but I did say this fic is going to be continued and it still is :D)


Rasbi POV:

I travelled through the forest, before me and Krow parted, we decided what games to suggest to Magic and how to carry it all out. We've got it all pretty much sorted.

Leaves crackled and a gust of wind just flew by, I'm going to meet Magic to continue building the event area's. For the past few weeks we've all been preparing, both me, Magic and Ori and Krow. Magic's working on different things than us, but still working. Owen's probably been scheming as well, no doubt about it actually.

Magic's is set on the idea of another festival (to put people at ease), we'll be doing a scavenger hunt, obstacle course and another cooking challenge similar to the last event. etc etc.

We'll also be doing some other activities due to Magic's insistence. Luckily, Krow and I have made serval plans and methods to kill Owen incase anything goes wrong.

We planned to meet up by the campfire and as I approached it I caught sight of Magic.

"Hi Rasbi! I did some more work on the events before this meet-up so after this session of planning we'll be done!" She smiled.

I went to go stand by her, "That's good to know, How about you work on the cooking area and I can work on hiding the objects for the scavenger hunt!" Magic nodded.

"That's perfect, if we announce we're putting on a festival tomorrow then the ingredients will still be fresh and no-one will find things from the scavenger hunt!!" I nodded and started to head over to the event site.

"Nice, see you after we're done!" I called out to her.

Once I saw that Magic arrived at the cooking area I started to pick up all the items for the hunt. We both thought that we should start the event tomorrow because didn't want other people to find the scavenger objects or for all the food for the cooking challenge to go bad.

 Its simple, everyone gets a list and is assigned different objects that they need to find, you cant cheat and use an item that you already have on you, you can identify the things listed by the coloured tags on them. They correspond to the colour your list is and if you find someone else's objects, it doesn't count. Once you've found one of your items you take the coloured tag that marks it ,which has the name of the item you found written on it, and whoever has the most tags at the end wins. As a bonus, you can keep whatever items you found during the hunt. However, I'm going to tweak it a little bit just for Owen.

I started to place around the objects in the planned hiding spots, the plan is to put a foxglove flower on Owen's list, I managed to find a seed for them in the maze while we were gathering ingredients in there. Its only now just finished growing completely, I made a gas mask so I'll be just fine as long as I wear it, so I'm not worried. It'll be listed as a snapdragon on the list since he might know about foxgloves, and they do look similar. Once Owen inhales the pollen the flower creates, he'll get poisoned, not to mention I'll be adding some of our own homemade poison into the mix.

Once I approached the area behind his house, I took out a plastic bag full of foxgloves and put on some gloves and a gas mask. I already attached the tags that allows you to identify it as an item from the scavenger hunt onto the flowers beforehand so i wouldn't have to fiddle with them later. I scooped out some dirt to make room for the vibrant magenta flowers and carefully placed them in before pilling dirt around the edges. 

I stood up as the gas mask uncomfortably shifted on my face, and quickly went out to go look for a bin to put the plastic wallet in. Unfortunately, since the fumes are rather dangerous I'm not going to risk reusing it. The flowers were in there for quite a while after all.

Once I was far enough away, I pocketed the gas mask and went back to organizing the rest of the scavenger objects. That was all I really needed to do, so now its a waiting game. For me at least.

-----------------------------------~Time Skip~-------------------------------------

Krow POV:

Rasbi told me that she finished setting up all the traps beforehand the event, and if they all fail then I made some backup plans for us to fall back on. (and they all ensure us a punch at Owen at least once,💕)

Now everyone has gathered around the campfire and Magic is explaining the event. I can see a lot of people grumbling about it, considering what happened last time, (Result of yours truly) its no surprise. There are a few people, such as Graecie and Soup, who are excited for it though. 

The first portion of the event will be teamed challenges and for the second it'll be individual. Afterwards, we'll alll have a lovely little picnic like best friends and we'll make flower crowns and braid each others hair <3

Hopefully we'll have killed Owen before any of that could happen.

Anyway, we figured that Rasbi shouldn't be actively competing since if all goes to hell she could just sweep Owen away. The excuse we decided to give Magic was that because she set up the scavenger hunt and knew where all the items were, she could cheat  but said if she was gonna compete she was going to do all of it. So, they decided to let Rasbi to watch out for any cheating and was excluded from participating.

Now, onto the teams for the 1st portion of the festival. Rasbi would be drawing lots for the teams, not without a little rigging of course, but nonetheless still drawing lots.


The teams ended up as the following: 

Kyle, Bek ,Spidey

Red, Owen, Ori

Graecie, Magic, Ayngel

Soup, Acho , and Me </3


I asked Rasbi to make sure I was placed with some of the more kind hearted people to make sure I wouldn't get accused of anything. Placing Ori with Owen was so that he would shut up, and it also helps us to keep a closer eye on the murderer. We also decided to put Red on their team because he doesn't seem to care about anything and most the time he's drunk. He'd also probably want to kill Owen too if he found out what he did to Apo. So its a win-win.

The first challenge is a cooking one. You answer questions, whether it be about the people in the clearing or about math, and then you gain the ingredient that you had wanted. You would have to cook/make 3 different dishes and then a person of your choosing from your team would have to eat one of them. Afterwards, you would be allowed to move onto the obstacle course. 

And If Ori does what he's been told to, then Owen will have died of poison before we had to have a picnic and started braiding eachothers hair.


The next part will definitely take even longer. I wasnt lying when I said I would continue this tho, slow as progress has been. Also I havent rlly read through this so if theres any typos or weirdly phrased parts, just tell me and I'll change it. Have a nice day c:

(Also yep this is super short, sorryyyy)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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