He told me so *5*

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Author note:

Tbh I wasn't too sure on what to do at the start of this chapter but I think I got it down ^-^

Hope you enjoyyyy <3


Krow POV:

After I debated on what to do ,and figured out what's going on completely with everything, I gathered some weapons and armor and left my house. Rasbi and I decided that we need a few things from the maze, but Rasbi's entering the *other* maze, since the "Red forest" that Kyle and acho came from is over there. I remembered soup talking about it and about how there's some useful stuff over there.

We do need some items for potion making, but if we asked soup directly for them it would seem kind of suspicious. Its best that there's nothing that can be traced back to us if anyone's trying to look for a murderer. So, I quickly looked around to make sure no-ones near ,and sprinted into the maze. Once I passed the first corner, I stopped to put my armor on. We would probably have to make multiple trips into the maze but as long as we're not caught its fine. (and as long as Owen doesn't try to kill us just yet)

 I remember the way to my clearing (I would be surprised if I didn't) and quickly passed through the maze. Its pretty easy to get used to, the only worry that I have is if Owen's in the maze right now. That would be... bad. Hopefully he isn't and we're fine. I could pretty easily avoid him if he's in here anyway.

I entered the jungle.

The maze is pretty big, considering that we haven't escaped yet, that's quite obvious now. We probably wont escape at all now since we're *not* going into the into the maze so it doesn't really matter either way.

I checked my clock really quickly,

As long as Owens gone I don't care all that much that we're stuck here honestly. Or at least for now. If everyday is as repetitive and as boring as it is now, i don't think anyone will care about safety. I don't want it to be like this for the rest of my days so I doubt everyone will too.

Passed through the corridors branching out of the jungle.

I mean, there's also the fact that soups potion didn't work and I'm probably going to be stuck hallucinating things forever and I wont be able to handle it but that's just a minor inconvenience. Besides, I'm sure someone has already broke the 'no going into the maze' rule anyway! The people in this clearing aren't known for keeping promises.

I walked around the entrance to our clearing.

No-ones particularly trustworthy (especially not Owen) so I wouldn't be very surprised if someone went in.

Picked up some of the mushrooms and other 'ingredients' we needed then put them in my backpack. 

The water here has always been pretty loud... hurts my ears. It's kind of strange that there was ever any water here anyway.

I checked my clock again.

Kind of sucks how far away the two clearings are, I got pretty much everything needed but I need to go back now. 

I headed back through the corridors.

It doesn't really help that I left at around mid-day as well. Hopefully this trip will go smoothly though.

Checked my clock again.

It feels like I'm just being paranoid but I guess I just don't want to be stuck in here overnight.

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