*2* (continued)

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Read the last part cuz its just a continuation of that ^-^


Ayngel POV:

As I was trekking up the hill I thought about why I haven't seen anyone yet, Though, Krow always did have a really strange schedule. One time It sleeps till 2pm and another time it sleeps up to 5am, Its pretty strange really, I've never gotten used to it ._.

I knocked a few times on it's door and when there was no response I decided to just go in, Then i would get to see if Krow was awake or not at least. When I started to looked around It's house I noticed It was cooking, which was a first.

"Krow? Did you not hear me knock?" I saw It jump slightly then it turned around and responded.

"Ayngel, Your knocking was so quiet it was like as if a mouse did it. Knock louder." I think I knock just fine.

"What're you making?" There's no use to talk about how loud I knock.

"uh. I don't really know" It scratched the back of its head briefly and shifted slightly.

"How do you not know????????" Krow can really surprise me sometimes...

"I don't know! Soup gave me a recipe for something but now i forgot what it was for!!" Seriously-

"Then why don't you ask soup?" Which is a very logical thing to do..

"Don't wanna bother them, she's been dealing with Graecie and I don't wanna go and uh... interrupt her." It turned back to what it was making. 

"Well...but its important right?" Right? It probably would be since it was Krow asking for it...

"Yeah but...." But? Cmon Krow...

"..Whatever its fine... What did you need?" It cut itself off.. though the topic change might be for the best.

"I wanted to come see you! I haven't done so in a bit." We need to catch up on what we both were doing anyway ^-^

"Oh? Well what do you wanna talk about?" Krow reached out for some strange item I didn't recognize and put it in a bowl.

"Well for starters how have you been? I've been doing pretty good but I haven't heard from you in a while!" Krow has been pretty quiet....

"I'm just fine, I haven't really been doing much though..." It added some other thing into the bowl and stirred.

"That's fine! I haven't been doing too much either" I walked forward to see what Krow's ....thing looked like. 

"Understandable, there's not much to do anymore since we're stuck in this clearing." It looked weird.

"Krow is that what's its supposed to look like?" I peered over its shoulder to look at it again.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure." It glanced back down at it and then looked back at the instructions that soup gave it.

" Do you remember why you wanted it?" Maybe it did???

"...nooooooooooo." It fidgeted a bit and stirred the mixture some more.

"Really? Are you sure?" How could you forget that??

"Yes, definitely. If I remember I'll tell you " It got out another bowl and put some other stuff in it.

"Well okay then! That's fine!" I smiled as we talked about life in the clearing for the majority of the day, even after Krow finished whatever it was making!

"You'll be okay for the rest of today?" I asked as i walked out.

"I'll be fine ayngel, I'll see you later." It closed the door as I headed out.

 After that, I went back to my house and cooked for a little while, seeing Krow make something like that kinda motivated me! I forgot what I wanted to do for the rest of the day but that's fine because I did have fun! It can wait for tomorrow. And with that, I fell asleep, Today really went by fast...


Sorry this is a bit short but I'm going to do Krow's POV for what happened in this this next chapter since I didn't really think it would fit into this 1 (the storyline that is) that atmosphere wouldn't really fit XD hope you enjoyed this tho ^-^

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