Are we friends now? *4*

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Authors note:

Hope you enjoy this chapter! It starts off with Rasbi so WOOOOOO!! Hope your excited <3



I opened my eyes blearily and sat up slightly. I still looked pretty dark so I must have woke up early.. that's fine though I don't mind. I got out of my bed and went to go pour some coffee, I'll need it. After I fully woke up, I wandered around the forest a bit...I still don't really feel safe, Its okay though! If I stay hidden I'll be fine ,I looked up towards the sky, its too early to be thinking about stuff like this ..

I  weaved through the trees and stopped to look at what's new in the clearing.. It looked almost the same since the last time I checked. There's a few minor changes but It wont effect me. I turned on my heal and decided to go back over to my house, at least to the area near it anyway. Staying at my house all the time is predictable and I want to stay outside right now anyway. Fresh air is always nice. 

There's not much to do really... I heard that the others stopped going into the maze so I thought I might go along with it too. Even though no-one will even know that I'm doing it ,that's ok, because I still care about them. Even If I cant trust everyone, even if I'm scared, Its okay. Because they wont abandon me...only one person will, and I'm okay with that.

I sighed, what's even the point of thinking about this? It doesn't matter unless I find out who's trying to kill me, i rubbed my eyes. Hopefully I'll get some sort of clue or idea on who it is soon though....

The sound of footsteps and rustling knocked me out of my thoughts. I quickly whirled around to see what made the noise and it was...Krow? We've never really talked so what's it doing here? It had to have been looking for me right...There's no way this is just a coincidence, I know how to hide myself and unless you were looking for me you would stand no chance.

Is it trying to kill me? No, it seems smart, it would have done so by now if it wanted to. Especially since it found me so easily...all its doing is just standing there, but then again so am I. It seems kind of off put ..maybe... but i don't really know Krow so i have no right to say that....

Maybe I should make a start to just talk to it seeing as we're both just standing here.

"Krow..?" I quickly rubbed my eyes just to make sure it was really there, you can never be too sure.

"Hey ,uh, Rasbi.." It shifted as it said...practically nothing. I narrowed my eyes.

"...Do you wanna do a little collaboration on an idea of mine? Its nothing major." Excuse me..? What does that even...

"..I'm sorry..?? Did I hear that right? ..Krow what are you even doing here..."  It looked a bit more unsure if it should continue as it glanced around.

"Can we go somewhere a bit more secluded? I don't really want to talk about this out  in the open..." I hesitated for a moment....Krows probably safe to be around (safe can fight after all, that's obvious)

"I....Okay, follow me." I gave in, what's the worst that can happen? It silently let out a sigh of  relief after I turned around, and started to follow me further into the woods. I didn't necessarily trust Krow but It didn't seem to have any malicious intent right now and it seemed...weird. Its probably nothing though...

"Up here." I instructed as I climbed up. It followed me up into my house and when we both sat down I began to speak again.

"so...what's going on? ..You better explain fast.. I don't want to wait any longer then needed..." I added that last part as an after-thought.

I know what you did. {outsiders smp- krow centric}Where stories live. Discover now