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Krow POV:

I quickly stirred the liquid and added some netherwart. Got some from Soup a while back, it should work the same as it did when Guts used that trick with the pumpkin. Even if we decide not to use poison i think it would be pretty handy to have anyway. 

I woke up around an hour ago but didn't really feel like talking to anyone so here I am, making poison. Completely normal day in the clearing. I think I might see Ayngel today, we haven't really hung out in a little while right?

I finished up the poison (which honestly looked like a type of soup-) and went over to my trapdoor to go into my 'basement' to store it away. Just in case anyone wants to snoop around here. I don't really want to leave any evidence.

I climbed back up and left my home to go see ayngel. She usually up pretty early so she's probably free to hang out with.

As I entered her area I cupped my hands around my mouth.

"OI AYNGELLLL ARE YOU HERE??" I couldn't be bothered enough to scout the area properly.

I saw Anygel climb down some ladders in her house and rush towards me.

"Hi Krow!! It feels like we haven't talked in forever honestly!!"I smiled slightly.

"Yeah! How've you been ayngel?" Its nice hanging out with anygel.

" I've been good, kinda busy but in a good way!" I nodded.


Authors note:

Unfortunately during the summer holidays I wont be able to update this fic. If you want more of an explanation just ask , im okay with sharing details.

 Also, I've been losing some motivation to write. I'll still be updating this (probably) but not so much. I'm having fun writing as well but I feel like I'm wasting my personal time. Not as if writing is dumb kind of time waste but just in general. 

I'll continue this ep in the next chapter and If anyone here has any suggestions for some oneshots or new series tell me, I would love to do some ^-^

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