Home Alone

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Meggy came in the castle to find you.

Meggy: Y/N, are you-

She stopped and smiled at the sight of you and Melony sleeping together. She'd feel bad if she woke you up, so she let you sleep.

While Y/N and Melony were resting, Skully came back out, only to be greeted by Meggy.

Meggy: Hey Skully.

Skully: Hey Meggy, what's up?

Meggy: Have you seen Beta? He's been caught doing something illegal?

Skully: Dear god..what did he do? Blow up a building? Shit on a bird? Or did he break Mario's spine..again?

Meggy: Uh, No? He's been taking illegal drugs.

Skully: Oh, I..he's not in the best condition..

Meggy: How so?

Skully: Taking him to prison while high? You know what will happen to him.

Meggy realizes that's just putting Beta in more danger and calls it off.

Meggy: Nevermind, hey, wanna come train? I wanna get some practice in before the splatfest.

Skully: Oh right, forgot about that. Yea, I'll help you out.

Meggy: Great! Red and Tari are waiting for us.

Skully: Cool! I'm down.

They both head out and go train with Tari and Mario.

-1 hour later-

You started to wake up and stretch. You look down and see Melony cuddling you, you smile and carefully slip out of her grasp, you started to get hungry and decided to go get something to eat in tue kitchen, Melony started to wake up and yawns.

Melony: Y/N?

Y/N/ Over here.

Melony then looks over.

Melony: Oh hey!

Y/N: Hi, did you need something?

Melony: I'm a bit hungry, what can I eat?

Y/N: I can make sandwiches.

Melony: Sandwich?

Y/N: Wait, you don't know what a sandwich is?

Melony: Not really, I'm not used to being human.

Y/N: Then you're missing out, Heavy!

Heavy came busting through a vent.

Heavy: You called Heavy?

Y/N: You got any sandwiches left over?

Heavy: Yes, Heavy has Sanvich left over.

Y/N: Do you mind if we eat it? We're kinda hungry.

Heavy: Hmmm..Ok! But you owe Heavy one.

Y/n: As always, what do you need done?

Heavy: Could you kill the blu Spy? He keeps making fun of Heavy's weight!

Y/N: Aw, I'm sorry Heavy, I'll deal with him buddy, don't worry.

Heavy: Thank you! You are credit to team!

He gave you two sandwiches and leaves to go protect the briefcase.

Melony: Who's he?

Y/N: Heavy weapons guy, or Heavy for short.

Melony: Oh.

You sit back down on the couch and hand her a sandwich, she takes it with caution and examines it.

Melony: What do I do with this?

Y/N: You eat it.

Melony nods and slowly takes a bite, then her eyes shrink. She freezes up.

Y/N: Uh, Melony? Are you okay?

Melony: T-this is..delicious..

She ended up inhaling it whole.

Y/N: Wow, someone's hungry.

Melony: Sorry, I never tasted food this good before!

Y/N: *Laughs* I bet.

You look at your sandwich and decided to hand it to her.

Melony: Huh? For me?

Y/N: Yeah, you need it more than me. Take it.

Melony's heart melted and smiled, she takes it and eats it.

Melony: You're a good friend Y/N.

Y/N: I could say the same.

You two smile at each other, until you were being watched by a special someone outside the window.


He threw his flowers into a lake out of frustration and walks away.

(Sheeesh, that not bussin.)

Two Seeds in One Melon (Melony x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now