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Grace's POV:

"Grace wake up! Its graduation!" My aunt calls. I open my eyes and smile. Climbing out of bed, I get dressed in jeans and a red and black flannel. I grab my phone and call Adam. No answer. I dial Jay's number.

"Grace!" He answers.

"Hey! Have you heard from Adam? He's not answering his phone." I say.

"Nope." He says.

"Okay." I bite my lip.

"It's graduation day, we don't have to be stuck at the stupid high school anymore." I laugh.

"I'll pick you up in ten." He hangs up. I grab my headphones. Do you need your backpack on graduation day? Fuck it. I run downstairs and out the door. Jay pulls up.

"Heyyyy." He says as I climb into the passenger seat.

"Hey. Lets gooooo!" He drives to the school.

"So what are your plans after graduation?" He asks.

"College." I say. He shrugs.

"College is cool." We walk inside in silence. Max run's up to us.

"Have you seen Adam?" I ask.

"He'll be here later." He says. I nod.

"Lets go get ready." Jay grabs my arm and drags me off.

~Skip to end of Graduation~

"Guy's we graduated!!!" I yell. Adam walks up to me. He seems sort of sad.

"Hey, whats wrong?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Nothing." I don't believe him but I decide to leave it alone for now.

"My mom wanted me to tell you guys' to come back to my place to celebrate." Adam says to the group. We all agree.

~Skip to house~

Everyone is sitting in Adams room talking and laughing about whatever.

"Hey Grace?" Adam says as he walks up to me.


"Can I talk to you outside?" He asks. My heart stops and my stomach flips.

"Yeah." I say following him up the stairs and outside. We sit on the lawn, and I stare at the sky waiting for him to speak and get this over with.

"Grace.." He starts. Oh no. Here it comes. He's going to say something bad isn't he? I bite my lip.

"Stop that." He lifts my chin up so I can see him. He stares at me and I stop biting my lip.

"I um...I..." He starts again. I suck in my breath.

"I went to the hospital today, and they said...they..." A tear falls from his eye. He looks away from me.

"I have cancer, Grace." He says. I feel my heart drop into my stomach, and suddenly I can't breathe. Tears fall from my eyes and he wraps me in his arms.

"No..." I say. He hugs me tighter. We sit like that for a few hours. I cry silently into his chest as he holds me.

"But..we just graduated." I say. He nods.

"I'm sorry Gracie." He says. I suck in my breath. I feel as though I can't breathe, every breath I take feels worse than the next.

"They said I have at least two weeks." He says. I shake my head. He holds me tightly against him.

"Your birthday is tomorrow isn't it?" He says. I nod. He smiles.

"Hey, don't cry. Come on, the guys are probably worried sick." He says. I shake my head.

"I just want to go home." I say. He nods.

"I'll take you home." He says. We stand, and Adam tells his mom where we're going before we get into his car. We drive in silence, the radio playing softly. I sigh, feeling my chest ache.

"Im so sorry." He says.

"It's not your fault." I say. The next song comes on the radio and I feel a tear fall from my cheek as it plays.

"Not really sure how to feel bout' it. Something in the way you move. Makes me feel like I can't live without you, and it takes me all the way. I want you to stay." Adam sings softly, and I feel myself crying even more. He pulls into my driveway.

"Goodnight Grace." He says as I get out. He gets out and hugs me tightly, I do the same.

"Night." I say walking into my house. It's dark, and I can't see much. I slide down the door, reality hitting me like a bus. Adam's going to die. Tears fall down my cheeks, but I don't care. Getting up slowly, I walk to the bottom of the stairs. Feeling numb, I slowly climb up the stairs step by step, until I finally reach my room. I open the door and sit on the edge of my bed. Closing my eyes, I fall backwards onto the bed and lie there, motionless.

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