At adams house

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Me and adam walk off, silent. I can feel people's eyes, watching, glaring.

"Slut." Some guy says. I don't even flinch. Adam glares at the guy. The guy just smirks.

"Do people always treat you so badly?" He asks. I nod.

"Why?" He asks. I shake my head. He nods in understanding.

"Come on, it's this house." He says. He points to the house, it's a two story house, with a nice front lawn, and one of those wooden fences. The house was painted a nice blue color, while every other house on the street was white.

"Why is it blue?" I ask.

"My mom wants to be different." He says, laughing. I smile, and he opens the door.

"Mom I'm home!" Adam yells. A women, slightly shorter than adam, walks into the entryway. She's got dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes, just like adams. Just like mine. She's wearing jeans and a black long sleeved Lacey top.

"Mom this is grace. She and I are working on a project. We'll be downstairs if you need us." Adam says, grabbing my arm.

"Oh um, nice to meet you mrs. Parker." I call.

"Call me Megan." She calls back, smiling. Adam pulls me down the stairs, into what I'm assuming is his room. I gasp when I see his room. There's a queen sized bed in one corner, and it has navy blue blankets and pillows. In another corner, a dresser is placed with pictures and guitar picks. In another corner, there's a electric and acoustic guitar, as well as a drum set, and a keyboard. The last corner is where the stairs are. The walls are painted white, but have pictures and posters up all over the room. Mainly of bands, and other musical posters.

"Your really into music arn't you?" I say, looking around the room.

"Yeah. I'm in a band actually. We just don't have a lead singer. And since I don't like singing in front of everyone, we need someone else." He says. I walk over to his guitar, and look at him.

"May I?" I ask. He nods. I pick up the guitar and smile at the familiar feeling of the strings underneath my fingertips. Placing my fingers on the right strings, I start to strum. Adam watches. After I get the feel of the guitar, I start to sing. When I finish, adams smiling like a lunatic.

"What?" I say, setting down the guitar.

"You an amazing singer." He says.

"I am?" I say, leaning my head to one side. He nods.

"Yeah. Hey, what do you think about joining my band?" He asks. I hesitate. What if I get even more humiliated?

"Um..." I say.

"Please? Come on, I will literally get on my knees and beg." He says. I smile at that.

"Okay." I say. He smiles.

"Yeah!!" He says. I laugh, and we start working on the project. About an hour later, we had finished at least half the project. I throw my notebook down.

"I'm brain dead." I say. He smiles.

"Let's go get something to eat. You hungry? My mom can make dinner." He says. I hesitate.

"Okay." I finally agree. I follow him up the stairs.

"Hi again, grace. You two need something?" Megan asks.

"Could we please have some dinner?" Adam asks, making a begging face that makes me laugh.

"Sure. Is it okay with your mom if you stay for dinner?" She asks, turning to me. I hesitate before saying;

"Actually, it's my aunt who takes care of me. My parents died when I was young."

"I'm sorry." She says.

"It's okay." I say. She nods once, before turning around and going over to the pantry and taking out some ingredients.

"How about chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy?" She asks.

"One of my favorites." Adam says. I nod.

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